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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-40118
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Küntscher Lecture: The Development of Osteotomy - from its Beginnings to the Intramedullary Saw Developed by Gerhard Küntscher
20. Juni 2003 (online)
At the very beginning of the era of modern surgery - even before the introduction of anaesthesia - osteotomies were important and numerically outstanding procedures on the extremities. Functional improvements for correcting congenital malformation and mal-union after fractures are the most important indications. Special instruments and skilfully crafted osteotomies were developed during the early years. As early as 1852, a shortening osteotomy was successfully carried out - and perfected by the genius of G. Küntscher in 1960. The development of osteotomy procedures is associated with the names of outstanding surgeons. In more recent times osteotomy as a surgical principle has not only retained its significance alone and in combination with implant surgery, it has also developed into a versatile discipline and provides convincing long-term results.
Key words
Compression osteosynthesis - Corrective osteotomy - Intertrochanteric osteotomy - Intramedullary nail - Intramedullary saw from KÜNTSCHER - Lengthening/Shortening osteotomy - Malunited fracture - Reamed medullary cavity - Resection of bone
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Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Probst
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