Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2001; 3(2): 164-175
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-12897
Original Paper
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Molecular Phylogeny of Nepenthaceae Based on Cladistic Analysis of Plastid trnK Intron Sequence Data

H. Meimberg 1 , A. Wistuba 2 , P. Dittrich 3 , G. Heubl 1
  • 1 Institut für Systematische Botanik, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, Germany
  • 2 Mudauer Ring 227, Mannheim, Germany
  • 3 Botanisches Institut, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

June 14, 2000

January 2, 2001

Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)


Nepenthaceae are an exceptional family with regard to carnivory and the uniformity of characters. This makes it difficult to resolve phylogenetic relationships due to convergent evolution of morphological features. Using comparative sequencing of the chloroplast trnK intron, the monophyly of this complex family and hypotheses of infrageneric relationships were tested. Sequences from 71 Nepenthes taxa, representing all groups and two taxa of the closely related Ancistrocladaceae and Dioncophyllaceae as outgroup, were determined and analysed using maximum parsimony methods. Results of this analysis show that the isolated taxa N. distillatoria (Sri Lanka) and N. pervillei (Seychelles) are the most basal, clearly separated from the Madagascan taxa N. madagascariensis and N. masoalensis which are placed in a distinct subclade. This corresponds with some plesiomorphic characters shared by these taxa. N. khasiana (North India) has an intermediate position between these relic Western species and the remaining taxa. The species of the Malay Archipelago can be referred to three distinct lineages which indicate a correlation to biogeography. Thus the recent disjunct distribution of Nepenthes is interpreted as a result of an incisive extinction of progenitors, a process of migration and a subsequent diversification on the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Sulawesi and New Guinea.

Based on our molecular data, two interpretations concerning the origin of Nepenthes are possible: i) evolution in the Northern Tethys which is supported by fossil pollen records from the European Focene, or, ii) a Gondwanaland origin at a time when the Indian plate was separated from Madagascar. Molecular data indicate that colonization of SE Asia started from an ancient Indian stock. Subsequently, in the Malay Archipelago a new secondary centre of diversity developed. Madagascar, the Seychelles and New Caledonia were probably reached by migration via land bridges, starting from widespead common ancestors with subsequent extinction leaving the current taxa. There is no evidence for long-distance dispersal. Current infragenic classification of Nepenthes is only partly in accordance with the phylogeny inferred from trnK intron data.


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G. Heubl

Institut für Systematische Botanik
Universität München

Menzingerstr. 67
80638 München


Section Editor: M. Hasebe