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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-9150
First Experimental Evidence for Zoophagy in the Hepatic Colura
June 30, 1999
October 25, 1999
31. Dezember 2000 (online)
Some hepatics, especially epiphytic species, possess lobules or water sacs on their leaves that appear to function as stores. In Pleurozia and Colura, these water sacs have very complex openings that can be closed by a movable lid, which prompted the hypothesis that these water sacs could function as a trap-like mechanism for small animals, which are occasionally found in these organs. Experiments revealed that protozoa (ciliata), which feed on bacteria on the surface of the plants, are trapped in the water sacs. We propose that these trap mechanisms function for zoophagy, but there is no clear evidence that the protozoa are specifically attracted to the hepatic.
Key words:
Zoophagy - carnivory - hepatics - protozoa - carnivorous plants
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W. Barthlott
Botanisches Institut der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn
Meckenheimer Allee 170
53115 Bonn
Section Editor: G. Gottsberger