Methods Inf Med 1991; 30(02): 102-107
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634829
Clinical Application
Schattauer GmbH

Robust Trend Analysis in Predicting Histamine Provocation Concentration

E. Krusińska
1   Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw, Poland
J. Liebhart
2   Department of Internal Diseases and Allergology, Medical Academy of Wroclaw, Poland
M. Woźniak
1   Institute of Computer Science, University of Wroclaw, Poland
› Institutsangaben
This study was partially sponsored by the Polish Government grant V.07 CPBP 02.20. A preliminary version of the paper was presented during the 10th International Meeting of the International Society for Clinical Bio-statistics, Maastricht (The Netherlands), September 1989. The authors are grateful to the Society and to the University of Limburg for financial support making the presentation possible. They would like to thank all those participating in the discussion for their valuable remarks, which have enabled to enrich the study.
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07. Februar 2018 (online)


Trend analysis is used to predict the histamine provocation concentration PC20 during the so-called challenge test, where increasing doses of the bronchoconstricting agent are given to a patient and the spirometric examination is subsequently performed. Classical least-squares analysis of trends as well as least absolute deviations analysis are compared. The results are interesting and promising from a statistical as well as medical point of view. The methods presented can be applied to many practical problems in medicine.


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