Synlett 2012; 23(19): 2827-2829
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1317542
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Biomimetic Synthesis of Phenazine-1,6-dicarboxylic Acid (PDC)

Thomas W. Clark
School of Chemical Sciences, University of Auckland, 23 Symonds Street, Auckland 1100, New Zealand   Fax: +64(9)3737422   eMail:
Jonathan Sperry*
School of Chemical Sciences, University of Auckland, 23 Symonds Street, Auckland 1100, New Zealand   Fax: +64(9)3737422   eMail:
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Received: 27. September 2012

Accepted after revision: 17. Oktober 2012

09. November 2012 (online)


The biomimetic synthesis of the natural product phenazine-1,6-dicarboxylic acid (PDC) is reported. A 2-aminocyclohexanone resembling the proposed biosynthetic substrate underwent facile dimerization and oxidation in air to a tetrasubstituted pyrazine. Oxidation and saponification delivered the natural product PDC.

Supporting Information

  • References and Notes

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  • 13 Diethyl Phenazine-1,6-dicarboxylate (11) To a solution of 6 (70 mg, 0.25 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (7.8 mL) was added TFA (0.8 mL), and the reaction mixture was stirred at r.t. for 3 h. The reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo, the crude residue taken up in CH2Cl2 (9 mL), and the reaction mixture was stirred under air for a further 16 h. Concentration in vacuo gave the pyrazine 10 (ca. 30 mg) as a yellow gum which was used immediately in the next step. A small amount was purified by flash chromatography on silica gel eluting with hexanes–EtOAc (1:1) for characterization purposes. IR (neat): νmax = 3296, 2934, 2870, 1730, 1248 cm–1. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): δ = 4.20 (4 H, q, J = 7.3 Hz, 2 × CH2), 3.95–3.87 (2 H, m, 2 × CH), 3.02–2.81 (4 H, m, 2 × CH2), 2.27–2.07 (4 H, m, 2 × CH2), 2.07–1.80 (4 H, m, 2 × CH2), 1.27 (6 H, t, J = 7.3 Hz, 2 × Me). 13C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3): δ = 173.7 (2 × C=O), 149.9 (2 × C), 147.6 (2 × C), 61.0 (2 × CH2), 47.7 (2 × CH), 31.1 (2 × CH2), 26.7 (2 × CH2), 20.2 (2 × CH2), 14.2 (2 × Me). ESI-MS: m/z (%) = 355 (100) [M + Na]+, 333 (16). ESI-HRMS: m/z calcd for [C18H24N2O4 + Na]+: 355.1628 [M + Na]+; found: 355.1639. The crude pyrazine 10 (ca. 30 mg) was taken up in xylenes (15 mL). Pd/C (10%; 500 mg) was added, and the reaction mixture heated to 200 °C for 70 h. The reaction mixture was filtered through Celite®, concentrated in vacuo, and purified by flash chromatography on silica gel eluting with hexanes–EtOAc (3:2) to yield the title compound 11 (21 mg, 0.06 mmol, 53% from 6) as a yellow solid; mp 96.2–98.1 °C. IR (neat): νmax = 2987, 2926, 2853, 1728, 1620, 1194 cm–1. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): δ = 8.45 (2 H, d, J = 8.8 Hz, 2 × H-2), 8.26 (2 H, d, J = 7.0 Hz, 2 × H-4), 7.88 (2 H, t, J = 8.0 Hz, 2 × H-3), 4.59 (4 H, q, J = 7.3 Hz, 2 × CH2), 1.51 (6 H, t, J = 7.1 Hz, 2 × Me). 13C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3): δ = 166.4 (2 × C=O), 143.0 (2 × C), 141.0 (2 × C), 134.1 (2 × CH), 132.5 (2 × CH), 131.6 (2 × C), 129.5 (2 × CH), 61.7 (2 × CH2), 14.4 (2 × Me). ESI-MS: m/z (%) = 347 (100) [M + Na]+, 325 (8). ESI-HRMS: m/z calcd for [C18H16N2O4 + Na]+: 347.1002 [M + Na]+; found: 347.0995.
  • 14 Phenazine-1,6-dicarboxylic Acid (PDC, 1)12b To a solution of KOt-Bu (532 mg, 4.74 mmol) in anhyd Et2O (10 mL) at 0 °C was added deionized H2O (0.025 mL, 1.39 mmol), and the slurry was stirred for 5 min. Phenazine 11 (26 mg, 0.08 mmol) was added, and the reaction mixture was stirred at r.t. for 20 h. Ice cold H2O (50 mL) and Et2O (50 mL) were added, and the aqueous layer was separated, acidified to pH 2 with HCl, and the resulting solid was filtered and kept. The aqueous layer was repeatedly extracted with CH2Cl2 (5×), and the combined organic extracts were dried (MgSO4), filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The crude solid was combined with the solid obtained from filtration of the acidified aqueous layer, then washed with H2O (5 mL), MeOH (5 mL), and Et2O (5 mL) to give the title compound 1 (18 mg, 0.07 mmol, 83%) as a green solid; mp >330 °C [lit.12b >290 °C]. IR (neat): νmax = 2917, 2624, 1727, 1614, 1389 cm–1. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CF3CO2D): δ = 9.34 (2 H, d, J = 7.3 Hz, 2 × CH), 9.03 (2 H, d, J = 9.0 Hz, 2 × CH), 8.56 (2 H, dd, J = 7.3, 9.0 Hz, 2 × CH), CO2H not observed. 13C NMR (100 MHz, CF3CO2D): δ =170.8 (2 × C=O), 144.5 (2 × CH), 140.4 (2 × C), 140.4 (2 × C), 138.5 (2 × CH), 134.3 (2 × CH), 124.2 (2 × C). ESI-MS: m/z (%) = 267 (70) [M – H], 241 (50), 223 (100), 178 (40). ESI-HRMS: m/z calcd for [C14H8N2O4 – H]: 267.0411 [M – H]; found: 267.0418.