Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43(7): 277-278
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1263175

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Nocturnal Administration of Ghrelin does not Promote Memory Consolidation

M. Dresler1 , M. Kluge1 , 2 , L. Genzel1 , P. Schüssler1 , A. Steiger1
  • 1Endocrinology of Sleep, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany
  • 2Present address: Department of Psychiatry, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
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received 15.03.2010 revised 07.07.2010

accepted 21.07.2010

14. September 2010 (online)


Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor produced peripherally and centrally. A growing number of studies in mice and rats shows that administration of ghrelin improves several memory processes [3] [4] [5] [7]. However, also an impairment of memory retention in neonatal chicks after ghrelin administration has been reported [6]. In their recent paper, Atcha and colleagues [2] report that ghrelin receptor agonists enhance memory retention in rats. In line with other authors (e. g., [18]), they propose the central ghrelin receptor as a new drug target for therapeutic approaches to treat diseases affecting cognition.

Administration of ghrelin also interacts with sleep regulation. While ghrelin promotes non-rapid eye movement sleep in human males [11] [12] [21] and in mice [13], it suppresses sleep in rats [16] [17]. Sleep, on the other hand, has been shown to enhance nocturnal plasma ghrelin levels [10] and to play a crucial role in memory consolidation [15]. It is discussed to what extent several hormones might play a key role in this process [19]. Especially off-line gains in newly acquired sequential motor skills seem to be exclusively bound to sleep [15], a process in which the hippocampus has been shown to be involved [1]. Despite these reciprocal interactions between memory, ghrelin and sleep, no studies about the effects of ghrelin administration on sleep-associated memory consolidation exist so far. We therefore studied if nocturnal pulsatile ghrelin administration influences the consolidation of a motor learning task in humans.


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  • 7 Diano S, Farr SA, Benoit SC. et al . Ghrelin controls hippocampal spine synapse density and memory performance.  Nat Neurosci. 2006;  9 381-388
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M. Dresler

Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry

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