Vialle, Luiz Roberto: 2018 AOSpine Master Series: AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 10: Spinal Infections DOI: 10.1055/b-0038-162841

4 Instrumentation and Spinal Infections

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Editor: Vialle, Luiz Roberto

Authors: Al-Mutair, Abdulaziz; Alobaid, Abdulrazzaq; Ariffin, Hisam Muhamad; Arima, Hideyuki; Barbagallo, Giuseppe; Beckerman, Daniel; Berven, Sigurd; Butler, Joseph S.; Carreon, Leah Y.; Dunn, Robert; Fernandes, Mauro Antonio; Glassman, Steven D.; Green, Jeffrey; Gubin, Alexander V.; Gussous, Yazeed; Hartl, Roger; Hoffmann, Christoph-H.; Jain, Nikhil; Kandziora, Frank; Kanna, Rishi M.; Kawaguchi, Yoshiharu; Ruth Kempen, Diederik Hendrik; Lamartina, Claudio; Lendner, Mayan; Maheswaran, Anupama; Martini, Carlotta; Menegaz, Phelipe de Souza; Murphy, Hamadi; Mushkin, Alexander Yu.; Oner, F. Cumhur; Perrech, Moritz; Radcliff, Kris E.; Rajasekaran, S.; Rutges, Joost P.H.J.; Schnake, Klaus John; Shetty, Ajoy Prasad; Vaccaro, Alexander R.; Varghese, Mathew; Vesnaver, Alex; Zerbi, Alberto

Title: AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 10: Spinal Infections

Print ISBN: 9781626234550; Online ISBN: 9781626234567; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-006-149770

Subjects: Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery;Neurosurgery

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Parent publication

Title: AOSpine Master Series

Electronic ISSN: 2376-3426; DOI: 10.1055/b-00000071

Type: Series


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