Vialle, Luiz Roberto et al.: 2015 AOSpine Master Series: AOSpine Masters Series DOI: 10.1055/b-0035-122262

1 Anatomy of the Cervical Spine

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Editors: Vialle, Luiz Roberto; Oner, F. Cumhur; Vaccaro, Alexander R.

Authors: Alanay, Ahmet; Anderson, David T.; Assaker, Richard; Bleys, Ronald L.A.W.; Cha, Thomas; Chaudhary, Saad B.; Demondion, Xavier; Díez-Ulloa, Máximo-Alberto; Formby, Peter M.; Ghori, Ahmer K.; Harrod, C. Chambliss; Helgeson, Melvin D.; Kandziora, Frank; Leonard, Dana; McCarthy, Kevin P.; Millhouse, Paul W.; Muñoz, William; Neves, Nuno; Oner, F. Cumhur; Panchal, Ripul Rajen; Peul, Wilco C.; Robinson, William A.; Schleicher, Philipp; Scholz, Matti; Schroeder, Gregory D.; Vaccaro, Alexander R.; Verlaan, Jorrit-Jan; Vialle, Luiz Roberto; Vives, Michael J.; Vleggeert-Lankamp, Carmen L.A.; Yilgor, Caglar; Zairi, Fahed

Title: AOSpine Masters Series

Subtitle: Cervical Spine Trauma

Print ISBN: 9781626232235; Online ISBN: 9781626232242; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-003-122260

Subjects: Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery;Neurosurgery;Neuroradiology, Neurosonology, EMG

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Parent publication

Title: AOSpine Master Series

Electronic ISSN: 2376-3426; DOI: 10.1055/b-00000071

Type: Series


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