DOI: 10.1055/s-00025476

Endoscopy International Open

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 05 · März 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-33567

Original article

Nakamura, Keiko; Nonaka, Satoru; Nakajima, Takeshi; Yachida, Tatsuo; Abe, Seiichiro; Sakamoto, Taku; Suzuki, Haruhisa; Yoshinaga, Shigetaka; Oda, Ichiro; Matsuda, Takahisa; Sekine, Shigeki; Kanemitsu, Yukihide; Katai, Hitoshi; Saito, Yutaka; Hirota, Seiichi: Clinical outcomes of gastric polyps and neoplasms in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis
Dinelli, Marco; Omazzi, Barbara; Andreozzi, Paolo; Zucchini, Nicola; Redaelli, Alessandro; Manes, Gianpiero: First clinical experiences with a novel endoscopic over-the-scope clip system
Schlag, Christoph; Menzel, Christoph; Götzberger, Manuela; Nennstiel, Simon; Klare, Peter; Wagenpfeil, Stefan; Schmid, Roland M.; Weirich, Gregor; von Delius, Stefan: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue sampling of small subepithelial tumors of the upper gastrointestinal tract with a 22-gauge core biopsy needle
Piraka, Cyrus; Saeed, Ahmed; Waljee, Akbar K.; Pillai, Ajish; Stidham, Ryan; Elmunzer, B. Joseph: Cold snare polypectomy for non-pedunculated colon polyps greater than 1 cm
Patel, K.; Rajendran, A.; Faiz, O.; Rutter, M. D.; Rutter, C.; Jover, R.; Koutroubakis, I.; Januszewicz, W.; Ferlitsch, M.; Dekker, E.; MacIntosh, D.; Ng, S. C.; Kitiyakara, T.; Pohl, H.; Thomas-Gibson, S.: An international survey of polypectomy training and assessment
Ge, Phillip S.; Muthusamy, V. Raman; Gaddam, Srinivas; Jaiyeola, Diana-Marie; Kim, Stephen; Sedarat, Alireza; Donahue, Timothy R.; Hosford, Lindsay; Wilson, Robert H.; Grande, David P.; Keswani, Rajesh N.; Kushnir, Vladimir M.; Mullady, Daniel; Edmundowicz, Steven A.; Early, Dayna S.; Komanduri, Srinadh; Wani, Sachin; Watson, Rabindra R.: Evaluation of the 2015 AGA guidelines on pancreatic cystic neoplasms in a large surgically confirmed multicenter cohort
Fukuda, Naoki; Ishimura, Norihisa; Okada, Mayumi; Izumi, Daisuke; Mikami, Hironobu; Okimoto, Eiko; Aimi, Masahito; Mishiro, Tsuyoshi; Oshima, Naoki; Ishihara, Shunji; Kinoshita, Yoshikazu: Mucosal breaks show same circumferential distribution in majority of patients with recurrent reflux esophagitis

Case report

Rahni, David Ozzie; Toyonaga, Takashi; Ohara, Yoshiko; Lombardo, Francesco; Baba, Shinichi; Takihara, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Shinwa; Kawara, Fumiaki; Azuma, Takeshi: First reported case of per anal endoscopic myectomy (PAEM): A novel endoscopic technique for resection of lesions with severe fibrosis in the rectum
