DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue 03 · Volume 71 · April 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57196


Heinemann, Markus K.: Bottom Up

Original Cardiovascular

Pingpoh, Clarence; Kreibich, Maximillian; Berger, Tim; Thoma, Martin; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Comberg, Thomas; Fagu, Albi; Siepe, Matthias; Czerny, Martin: Clinical Outcomes after Mitral Valve Surgery in Failed MitraClip Procedures
El-Sayed Ahmad, Ali; Salamate, Saad; Giammarino, Sabrina; Ciobanu, Veceslav; Bakhtiary, Farhad: Transmitral Septal Myectomy and Mitral Valve Surgery via Right Mini-Thoracotomy
Hulde, Nikolai; Zittermann, Armin; Deutsch, Marcus-Andre; von Dossow, Vera; Gummert, Jan E.; Koster, Andreas: Moderate Dose of Tranexamic Acid and Complications after Valvular Heart Surgery

Letter to the Editor

Reply to the Letter to the Editor

El-Sayed Ahmad, Ali; Salamate, Saad; Gammarino, Sabrina; Ciobanu, Veceslav; Bakhtiary, Farhad: Reply to Surgical Strategy of Mitral Valve Repair in Transmitral Septal Myectomy for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

Review Article

Gerfer, Stephen; Grandoch, Maria; Wahlers, Thorsten C.W.; Kuhn, Elmar W.: Factor Xa Inhibitors for Patients after Mechanical Heart Valve Replacement?

How to Do It

Makarious Laham, Majd; Easo, Jerry; Roosta-Azad, Mehdy; Kamler, Markus: Prevention of Mitral Ring Dehiscence by a Simple Modification of Suture Placement

Original Basic Science

Original Thoracic

Kawaguchi, Takeshi; Yoshikawa, Daiki; Nakai, Tokiko; Ohbayashi, Chiho; Sawabata, Noriyoshi: Outcome of Resected Lung Cancers with Subcentimeter Solid Component on Computed Tomography
Wang, Ying; He, Cheng; Liu, Jiacong; Wu, Simeng; Huang, Xuhua; Zhang, Lichen; Shu, Wenbo; Gu, Chen; Wang, Yiqing; Zhu, Linhai; Hu, Jian: The Safety and Efficacy of Preoperative Immunotherapy Combined with Chemotherapy in Patients with Stage IIIA-IIIB Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma