DOI: 10.1055/s-00046128

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 23 · Juni 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49000

Guest Editorial


Dorman, Michael F.; Spahr, Anthony; Gifford, Rene H.; Cook, Sarah; Zhang, Ting; Loiselle, Louise; Yost, William; Cardy, Lara; Whittingham, JoAnne; Schramm, David: Current Research with Cochlear Implants at Arizona State University
Eisenberg, Laurie S.; Johnson, Karen C.; Martinez, Amy S.; Visser-Dumont, Leslie; Ganguly, Dianne Hammes; Still, Jennifer F.: Studies in Pediatric Hearing Loss at the House Research Institute
Svirsky, Mario A.; Fitzgerald, Matthew B.; Neuman, Arlene; Sagi, Elad; Tan, Chin-Tuan; Ketten, Darlene; Martin, Brett: Current and Planned Cochlear Implant Research at New York University Laboratory for Translational Auditory Research
Tobey, Emily A.; Britt, Lana; Geers, Ann; Loizou, Philip; Loy, Betty; Roland, Peter; Warner-Czyz, Andrea; Wright, Charles G.: Cochlear Implantation Updates: The Dallas Cochlear Implant Program
Houston, Derek M.; Beer, Jessica; Bergeson, Tonya R.; Chin, Steven B.; Pisoni, David B.; Miyamoto, Richard T.: The Ear Is Connected to the Brain: Some New Directions in the Study of Children with Cochlear Implants at Indiana University
Kirk, Karen Iler; Prusick, Lindsay; French, Brian; Gotch, Chad; Eisenberg, Laurie S.; Young, Nancy: Assessing Spoken Word Recognition in Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A Translational Approach
Litovsky, Ruth Y.; Goupell, Matthew J.; Godar, Shelly; Grieco-Calub, Tina; Jones, Gary L.; Garadat, Soha N.; Agrawal, Smita; Kan, Alan; Todd, Ann; Hess, Christi; Misurelli, Sara: Studies on Bilateral Cochlear Implants at the University of Wisconsin’s Binaural Hearing and Speech Laboratory

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