DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 120 · Februar 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-45659

Invited Editorial Focus

Olesen, Kevin Kris Warnakula; Wheeler, Matt; Eikelboom, John W.: Oral Anticoagulant Treatment in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Cancer

Invited T&H Insights

Knopp, Tanja; Karbach, Susanne; Wenzel, Philip: Myeloid Cells to the Rescue: Improving Thrombus Resolution

Review Article

Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Peksa, Gary D.; Mokszycki, Robert K.; Rech, Megan A.; Maynard, Brian; Panos, Nicholas G.; Sweis, Rolla T.; DeMott, Joshua M.: Reversal of Warfarin-Associated Major Hemorrhage: Activated Prothrombin Complex Concentrate versus 4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate
Cortesi, Paolo Angelo; Castaman, Giancarlo; Trifirò, Gianluca; Creazzola, Simona Serao; Improta, Giovanni; Mazzaglia, Giampiero; Molinari, Angelo Claudio; Mantovani, Lorenzo Giovanni: Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Impact of Emicizumab Prophylaxis in Haemophilia A Patients with Inhibitors
Olsson Lindvall, Martina; Davila Lopez, Marcela; Klasson, Sofia; Hansson, Lena; Nilsson, Staffan; Stanne, Tara M.; Jern, Christina: A Comprehensive Sequencing-Based Analysis of Allelic Methylation Patterns in Hemostatic Genes in Human Liver

Cellular Haemostasis and Platelets

Paterson, Gordon G.; Young, Jason M.; Willson, Joseph A.; Graham, Christopher J.; Dru, Rebecca C.; Lee, Eleanor W.; Torpey, Greig S.; Walmsley, Sarah R.; Chan, Melissa V.; Warner, Timothy D.; Baillie, John Kenneth; Thompson, Alfred Arthur Roger: Hypoxia Modulates Platelet Purinergic Signalling Pathways
Izquierdo, Irene; Barrachina, María N.; Hermida-Nogueira, Lidia; Casas, Vanessa; Morán, Luis A.; Lacerenza, Serena; Pinto-Llorente, Roberto; Eble, Johannes A.; de los Ríos, Vivian; Domínguez, Eduardo; Loza, María I.; Casal, José Ignacio; Carrascal, Montserrat; Abián, Joaquín; García, Angel: A Comprehensive Tyrosine Phosphoproteomic Analysis Reveals Novel Components of the Platelet CLEC-2 Signaling Cascade
Tiede, Andreas; Cid, Ana Rosa; Goldmann, Georg; Jiménez-Yuste, Victor; Pluta, Michael; Lissitchkov, Toshko; May, Marcus; Matytsina, Irina; Miljic, Predrag; Pabinger, Ingrid; Persson, Paula: Body Mass Index Best Predicts Recovery of Recombinant Factor VIII in Underweight to Obese Patients with Severe Haemophilia A
Kimball, Andrew Scott; Obi, Andrea Tara; Luke, Catherine E.; Dowling, Abigail R.; Cai, Qing; Adili, Reheman; Jankowski, Hannah; Schaller, Matthew; Holinstadt, Michael; Jaffer, Farouc A.; Kunkel, Steven L.; Gallagher, Katherine A.; Henke, Peter K.: Ly6CLo Monocyte/Macrophages are Essential for Thrombus Resolution in a Murine Model of Venous Thrombosis

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism

Hwang, Jongmin; Han, Seongwook; Bae, Han-Joon; Jun, Seung-Woon; Choi, Sang-Woong; Lee, Cheol-Hyun; Kim, In-Cheol; Cho, Yun-Kyeong; Park, Hyoung-Seob; Yoon, Hyuck-Jun; Kim, Hyungseop; Nam, Chang-Wook; Hur, Seung-Ho; Lee, Sang-Hoon: NOAC Adherence of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in the Real World: Dosing Frequency Matters?

Atherosclerosis and Ischaemic Disease

Letter to the Editor

van der Vorst, Emiel P. C.; Daissormont, Isabelle; Aslani, Maria; Seijkens, Tom; Wijnands, Erwin; Lutgens, Esther; Duchene, Johan; Santovito, Donato; Döring, Yvonne; Halvorsen, Bente; Aukrust, Pal; Weber, Christian; Höpken, Uta E.; Biessen, Erik A. L.: Interruption of the CXCL13/CXCR5 Chemokine Axis Enhances Plasma IgM Levels and Attenuates Atherosclerosis Development

Trial Protocol Design Paper

Bikdeli, Behnood; McAndrew, Thomas; Crowley, Aaron; Chen, Shmuel; Mehdipoor, Ghazaleh; Redfors, Björn; Liu, Yangbo; Zhang, Zixuan; Liu, Mengdan; Zhang, Yiran; Francese, Dominic P.; Erlinge, David; James, Stefan K.; Han, Yaling; Li, Yi; Kastrati, Adnan; Schüpke, Stefanie; Stables, Rod H.; Shahzad, Adeel; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Goldstein, Patrick; Frigoli, Enrico; Mehran, Roxana; Valgimigli, Marco; Stone, Gregg W.: Individual Patient Data Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trials of Bivalirudin versus Heparin in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Rationale and Methodology

Industry Information

Retraction Note