DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 01 · Volume 33 · January 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-45558


Original Research

Schulze, Nicole; Ehrle, Anna; Weller, Renate; Fritsch, Guido; Gernhardt, Jennifer; Ben Romdhane, Recem; Lischer, Christoph: Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Adjacent Segment Motion after Ex Vivo Fusion of Equine Third and Fourth Cervical Vertebrae
Kaczmarek, Jakub; Bartkowiak, Tomasz; Schuenemann, Riccarda; Paczos, Piotr; Gapinski, Bartosz; Bogisch, Sandra; Unger, Martin: Mechanical Performance of a Polyaxial Locking Plate and the Influence of Screw Angulation in a Fracture Gap Model
Zweifel, Raffaela T.; DiDonato, Pamela; Hartmann, Antje; Kramer, Martin; von Pückler, Kerstin H.: Improved Computed Tomography Accuracy with a 1-mm versus 2- or 3-mm Slice Thickness for the Detection of Medial Coronoid Disease in Dogs

Clinical Communication

McCarthy, Jessica; Comerford, Eithne J.; Innes, John F.; Pettitt, Rob A.: Elbow Arthrodesis Using a Medially Positioned Plate in 6 Dogs

Brief Communication