DOI: 10.1055/s-00000041


Ausgabe 04 · Volume 49 · August 2018 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40929


Ebrahimi-Fakhari, Darius; Neubauer, Bernd; Plecko, Barbara; Wolf, Nicole I.: Resident and Fellow Section in Neuropediatrics

Review Article


Original Article

Cizmeci, Mehmet N.; Thewissen, Liesbeth; Zecic, Alexandra; Woerdeman, Peter A.; Boer, Bart de; Baert, Edward; Govaert, Paul; Dudink, Jeroen; Groenendaal, Floris; Lequin, Maarten; de Vries, Linda S.: Bedside Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Needle Aspiration of Intra- and Extra-Axial Intracranial Hemorrhage in Neonates
Blumkin, Lubov; Lerman-Sagie, Tally; Westenberger, Ana; Ben-Pazi, Hilla; Zerem, Ayelet; Yosovich, Keren; Lev, Dorit: Multiple Causes of Pediatric Early Onset Chorea—Clinical and Genetic Approach
Knuutinen, Oula; Kousi, Maria; Suo-Palosaari, Maria; Moilanen, Jukka S.; Tuominen, Hannu; Vainionpää, Leena; Joensuu, Tarja; Anttonen, Anna-Kaisa; Uusimaa, Johanna; Lehesjoki, Anna-Elina; Vieira, Päivi: Neonatal Alexander Disease: Novel GFAP Mutation and Comparison to Previously Published Cases
Toelle, Sandra P.; Avetisyan, Tamara; Kuyumjyan, Nune; Sukhudyan, Biayna; Boltshauser, Eugen; Hackenberg, Annette: Infantile Basal Ganglia Stroke after Mild Head Trauma Associated with Mineralizing Angiopathy of Lenticulostriate Arteries: An Under Recognized Entity

Short Communication


Videos and Images in Neuropediatrics

Flotats-Bastardas, Marina; Hebert, Eva; Raspall-Chaure, Miquel; Munell, Francina; Macaya, Alfons; Lohmann, Katja: Novel GCH1 Compound Heterozygosity Mutation in Infancy-Onset Generalized Dystonia

Book Review

In Memoriam

Neubauer, Bernd A.; Schara, Ulrike; On behalf of the Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie: In Memoriam: Professor Hermann Doose