DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 08 · Volume 54 · 1985 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40718

Original Article

Delaini, Federica; Dejana, Elisabetta; Reyers, Ine; Vicenzi, Elisa; Vitti, Germana De Bellis; Poggi, Andreina; Donati, Maria Benedetta: Platelet Suruival and Function in Rats with Enhanced Thrombotic Tendency
Vikydal, R; Korninger, C; Kyrle, P A; Niessner, H; Pabinger, I; Thaler, E; Lechner, K: The Prevalence of Hereditary Antithrombin-III Deficiency in Patients with a History of Venous Thromboembolism
Hassall, David G; Bruckdorfer, K Richard; Sulpice, Jean-Claude; Lutton, Claude: The Effect of Lanosterol on Platelet Aggregation in Human Platelets
Ts’ao, C; Galluzzo, T S; Hart, S J; Ng, A S; Sorenson, P G; Subbarao, V: Anticoagulant Activity in Cell-Free Peritoneal Fluid of an Experimental Pancreatic Ascites Tumor
Selmayr, Eberhard; Müller-Berghaus, Gert: Soluble Crosslinked Fibrin(ogen) Polymers
Rosén, S; Andersson, M; Blombäck, M; Hégglund, U; Larrieu, M J; Wolf, M; Boyer, C; Rothschild, C; Nilsson, I M; Sjörin, E; Vinazze, H: Clinical Application of a Chromogenic Substrate Method for Determination of Factor VIII Activity
Nimpf, Johannes; Gries, Anni; Wurm, Helmut; Kostner, Gerhard M: Influence of β2-Glycoprotein-l Upon the Content of cAMP and cGMP in Human Blood Platelets
Kottke-Marchant, Kandice; Anderson, James M; Rabinovitch, Albert; Huskey, Richard A; Herzig, Roger: The Effect of Heparin vs. Citrate on the Interaction of Platelets with Vascular Graft Materials
Naesh, O; Friis, J T; Hindberg, I; Winther, K: Platelet Function in Surgical Stress
Bykowska, K; Ludwicka, A; wegrzynowicz, Z; Lopaciuk, S; Kopeć, M: Anticoagulant Properties of Extracellular Slime Substance Produced by Staphylococcus Epidermidis
Remuzzi, Andrea; Raffaella Languino, Lucia; Costantini, Vincenzo; Guardabasso, Vincenzo; Gartano, Giovanni de; Dejana, Elisabetta: Platelet Adhesion to Subendothelium - Effect of Shear Rate, Hematocrit and Platelet Count on the Dynamic Equilibrium Between Platelets Adhering to and Detaching from the Surface
Ricci, Giorgio; Manservigi, Roberto; Albonici, Loredana; Zavagli, Giorgio; Cassai, Enzo: Evidence for Glycoprotein Abnormality in Platelets from Patients with May-Hegglin Anomaly

International Committee Communications

Mannucci, P M; Abildgaard, C F; Gralnick, H R; Hill, F G H; Hoyer, L W; Lombardi, R; Nilsson, I M; Tuddenham, E; Meyer, D: Multicenter Comparison of von Willebrand Factor Multimer Sizing Techniques

Letter to the Editor

Yayá, Richardo; Aznar, Justo; Vayá, Amparo; Villa, Piedad; Santos, Teresa; Vallés, Juana; Martinez-Sales, Vicenta: Effect of Dipyridamole Plus Pentoxifylline in Patients with Diffuse Cerebrovascular Insufficiency
Rossi, A De; Gassa, O Dalla; Bianchi, L Chieco; Zanon, R Dal Bo; Boscaro, M; Girolami, A: The Prevalence of HTLV-III and HTLV-I Antibodies in Serum of Hemophiliacs
Edberg, Nils; Grillner, Lena; Wallinder, Ulla; Blombäck, Margareta: Do Factor VIII Concentrates Cause Passive Immunization to Hepatitis B in Multitransfused Patients?
Sala, Núria; Oliver, Artur; Estivill, Xavier; Moreno, Rafael; Félez, Jordi; Rutllant, Miquel LI: Plasmatic and Urinary Protein C Levels in Nephrotic Syndrome
Aznar, J A; Carbonell, F; Jorquera, J I; Montoro, J M; Carmona, E; Puig, N; Trenor, A; Gonzalez-Molina, A: A Follow-Up Study of the T-Helper and T-Suppressor-Cytotoxic Cell Populations (>than One Year) in 39 Hemophiliacs
Velasco, Francisco; Andres, Pilar; Cañadillas, Francisco; Fornes, Gema; Torres, Antonio: Transient Ischemic Attack (T.I.A.) in a Patient with Non-Thrombogenic Hereditary Protein C Deficiency Under Oral Contraceptives