DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 07 · Volume 116 · 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-36014

Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Mahlangu, Johnny N.; Ragni, Margaret; Gupta, Naresh; Rangarajan, Savita; Klamroth, Robert; Oldenburg, Johannes; Nogami, Keiji; Young, Guy; Cristiano, Lynda M.; Dong, Yingwen; Allen, Geoffrey; Pierce, Glenn F.; Robinson, Brian: Long-acting recombinant factor VIII Fc fusion protein (rFVIIIFc) for perioperative haemostatic management in severe haemophilia A
Toulon, Pierre; Berruyer, Micheline; Brionne-François, Marie; Grand, François; Lasne, Dominique; Telion, Caroline; Arcizet, Julien; Giacomello, Roberta; De Pooter, Neila: Age dependency for coagulation parameters in paediatric populations
Fidalgo, Teresa; Salvado, Ramon; Corrales, Irene; Pinto, Silva Catarina; Borràs, Nina; Oliveira, Ana; Martinho, Patricia; Ferreira, Gisela; Almeida, Helena; Oliveira, Cristina; Marques, Dalila; Gonçalves, Elsa; Diniz, MJoão; Antunes, Margarida; Tavares, Alice; Caetano, Gonçalo; Kjöllerström, Paula; Maia, Raquel; Sevivas, Teresa; Vidal, Francisco; Ribeiro, Leticia: Genotype–phenotype correlation in a cohort of Portuguese patients comprising the entire spectrum of VWD types: impact of NGS
Schmidt, Anja; Brettschneider, Kerstin; Kahle, Jörg; Orlowski, Aleksander; Becker-Peters, Karin; Stichel, Diana; Schulze, Jörg; Braner, Markus; Tampé, Robert; Schwabe, Dirk; Königs, Christoph: Neutralisation of factor VIII inhibitors by anti-idiotypes isolated from phage-displayed libraries
Buckner, Tyler W.; Leavitt, Andrew D.; Ragni, Margaret; Kempton, Christine L.; Eyster, M. Elaine; Cuker, Adam; Lentz, Steven R.; Ducore, Jonathan; Leissinger, Cindy; Wang, Mike; Key, Nigel S.: Prospective, multicenter study of postoperative deep-vein thrombosis in patients with haemophilia undergoing major orthopaedic surgery
Smock, Kristi J.; Plumhoff, Elizabeth A.; Meijer, Piet; Hsu, Peihong; Zantek, Nicole D.; Heikal, Nahla M.; Van Cott, Elizabeth M.: Protein S testing in patients with protein S deficiency, factor V Leiden, and rivaroxaban by North American Specialized Coagulation Laboratories
Manco-Johnson, Marilyn J.; Bomgaars, Lisa; Palascak, Joseph; Shapiro, Amy; Geil, John; Fritsch, Sandor; Pavlova, Borislava G.; Gelmont, David: Efficacy and safety of protein C concentrate to treat purpura fulminans and thromboembolic events in severe congenital protein C deficiency

Cellular Haemostasis and Platelets

Carreras, Edward T.; Hochholzer, Willibald; Frelinger, Andrew L.; Nordio, Francesco; O’Donoghue, Michelle L.; Wiviott, Stephen D.; Angiolillo, Dominick J.; Michelson, Alan D.; Sabatine, Marc S.; Mega, Jessica L.: Diabetes mellitus, CYP2C19 genotype, and response to escalating doses of clopidogrel
Lim, Woo-Hyun; Chae, In-Ho; Yoon, Chang-Hwan; Choi, Dong-Ju; Lim, Sang Wook; Park, Woo Jung; Doh, Joon-Hyung; Kim, Sang-Hyun; Kim, Myung-A.; Lee, Seung-Hwan; Yoon, Jung Han; Ahn, Young Keun; Hyon, Min-Su; Kim, Ki Seok; Kim, Young Kwon; Lee, Han Cheol; Seol, Sang-Hoon; Hwang, Kyung-Kuk; Choi, Si-Wan; Han, Kyoo-Rok; Shin, Eun-Seok; Kim, Sang-Wook; Lee, Byoung Kwon; Kim, Hyo-Soo: Comparison of dual antiplatelet therapy prescribed as one-pill versus two-pill regimen
Parker, D'Andra N.; Tasneem, Subia; Farndale, Richard W.; Bihan, Dominique; Sadler, J. Evan; Sebastian, Silvie; De Groot, Philip G.; Hayward, Catherine P. M.: The functions of the A1A2A3 domains in von Willebrand factor include multimerin 1 binding
Thomas, Mark R.; Morton, Allison C.; Hossain, Rashed; Chen, Beining; Luo, Lei; Shahari, Nur Nazihah B. Md.; Hua, Peng; Beniston, Richard G.; Judge, Heather M.; Storey, Robert F.: Morphine delays the onset of action of prasugrel in patients with prior history of ST-elevation myocardial infarction
Chiva-Blanch, Gemma; Crespo, Javier; Suades, Rosa; Arderiu, Gemma; Padro, Teresa; Vilahur, Gemma; Cubedo, Judith; Corella, Dolores; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Arós, Fernando; Martínez-González, Miguel-Angel; Ros, Emilio; Fitó, Montse; Estruch, Ramon; Badimon, Lina: CD142+/CD61+, CD146+ and CD45+ microparticles predict cardiovascular events in high risk patients following a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts

Blood Cells, Inflammation and Infection

Müller-Calleja, Nadine; Rossmann, Heidi; Müller, Christian; Wild, Philipp; Blankenberg, Stefan; Pfeiffer, Norbert; Binder, Harald; Beutel, Manfred E.; Manukyan, Davit; Zeller, Tanja; Lackner, Karl J.: Antiphospholipid antibodies in a large population-based cohort: genome-wide associations and effects on monocyte gene expression
Lattenist, Lionel; Jansen, Marcel P. B.; Teske, Gwendoline; Claessen, Nike; Meijers, Joost C. M.; Rezaie, Alireza R.; Esmon, Charles T.; Florquin, Sandrine; Roelofs, Joris J. T. H.: Activated protein C protects against renal ischaemia/reperfusion injury, independent of its anticoagulant properties

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Kelchtermans, Hilde; Pelkmans, Leonie; Bouwhuis, Anne; Schurgers, Evelien; Lindhout, Theo; Huskens, Dana; Miszta, Adam; Hemker, H. Coenraad; Lancé, Marcus D.; de Laat, Bas: Simultaneous measurement of thrombin generation and fibrin formation in whole blood under flow conditions

Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism

Navarro-Fernández, José; Morena-Barrio, María Eugenia de la; Padilla, José; Miñano, Antonia; Bohdan, Nataliya; Águila, Sonia; Martínez-Martínez, Irene; Sevivas, Teresa S.; de Cos, Carmen; Fernández-Mosteirín, Nuria; Llamas, Pilar; Asenjo, Susana; Medina, Pilar; Souto, Juan Carlos; Overvad, Kim; Kristensen, Søren R.; Corra, Javier; Vicente, Vicente: Antithrombin Dublin (p.Val30Glu): a relatively common variant with moderate thrombosis risk of causing transient antithrombin deficiency
Brekelmans, Marjolein P. A.; Bleker, Suzanne M.; Bauersachs, Rupert; Boda, Zoltan; Büller, Harry R.; Choi, Youngsook; Gallus, Alex; Grosso, Michael A.; Middeldorp, Saskia; Oh, Doyeun; Raskob, Gary; Schwocho, Lee; Cohen, Alexander T.: Clinical impact and course of major bleeding with edoxaban versus vitamin K antagonists

Atherosclerosis and Ischaemic Disease

Sahebkar, Amirhossein; Catena, Cristiana; Ray, Kausik K.; Vallejo-Vaz, Antonio J.; Reiner, Željko; Sechi, Leonardo A.; Colussi, GianLuca: Impact of statin therapy on plasma levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
Egholm, Gro; Thim, Troels; Olesen, Kevin Kris; Madsen, Morten; Sorensen, Henrik Toft; Jensen, Svend Eggert; Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Botker, Hans Erik; Kristensen, Steen Dalby; Maeng, Michael: Dual anti-platelet therapy after coronary drug-eluting stent implantation and surgery-associated major adverse events
Le, Luong; Duckles, Hayley; Schenkel, Torsten; Mahmoud, Marwa M.; Tremoleda, Jordi L.; Wylezinska-Arridge, Marzena; Ali, Majid; Bowden, Neil P.; Villa-Uriol, Mari-Cruz; Van der Heiden, Kim; Xing, Ruoyu; Gijsen, Frank J.; Wentzel, Jolanda J.; Lawrie, Allan; Feng, Shuang; Arnold, Nadine; Gsell, Willy; Lungu, Angela; Hose, Rodney; Spencer, Tim; Halliday, Ian; Ridger, Victoria; Evans, Paul C.: Heart rate reduction with ivabradine promotes shear stress-dependent anti-inflammatory mechanisms in arteries

Trial Protocol Design Paper

Barco, Stefano; Lankeit, Mareike; Binder, Harald; Schellong, Sebastian; Christ, Michael; Beyer-Westendorf, Jan; Duerschmied, Daniel; Bauersachs, Rupert; Empen, Klaus; Held, Matthias; Schwaiblmair, Martin; Fonseca, Cândida; Jiménez, David; Becattini, Cecilia; Quitzau, Kurt; Konstantinides, Stavros: Home treatment of patients with low-risk pulmonary embolism with the oral factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban

Letters to the Editor

Bartimoccia, Simona; Carnevale, Roberto; Sanguigni, Valerio; De Falco, Elena; Frati, Giacomo; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Plebani, Alessandro; Soresina, Annarosa; Pignatelli, Pasquale; Violi, Francesco: NOX 5 is expressed in platelets from patients with chronic granulomatous disease