DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 91 · 2004 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35602

Editorial Focus


Review Article

Lundblad, Roger L.; Bradshaw, Ralph A.; Gabriel, Don; Ortel, Thomas L.; Lawson, Jeffrey; Mann, Kenneth G.: A review of the therapeutic uses of thrombin

Rapid and Short Communication

Proulle, Valérie; Hugel, Bénédicte; Guillet, Benoit; Trichet, Catherine; Rafowicz, Anne; Lambert, Thierry; Freyssinet, Jean-Marie; Dreyfus, Marie: Injection of recombinant activated factor VII can induce transient increase in circulating procoagulant microparticles

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

Tirado, Isabel; Soria, José Manuel; Mateo, José; Oliver, Artur; Souto, Juan Carlos; Santamaria, Amparo; Felices, Rosa; Borrell, Montserrat; Fontcuberta, Jordi: Association after linkage analysis indicates that homozygosity for the 46C→T polymorphism in the F12 gene is a genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis
Medina, Pilar; Navarro, Silvia; Estellés, Amparo; Vayá, Amparo; Woodhams, Barry; Mira, Yolanda; Villa, Piedad; Migaud-Fressart, Martine; Ferrando, Fernando; Aznar, Justo; Bertina, Rogier M.; España, Francisco: Contribution of polymorphisms in the endothelial protein C receptor gene to soluble endothelial protein C receptor and circulating activated protein C levels, and thrombotic risk
Cvirn, Gerhard; Gallistl, Siegfried; Koestenberger, Martin; Baier, Katrin; Fritsch, Peter; Greilberger, Joachim; Jürgens, Günther; Muntean, Wolfgang: The anticoagulant action of recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC, Drotrecogin α activated): comparison between cord and adult plasma
Young, Edward; Douros, Vivian; Podor, Thomas J.; Shaughnessy, Stephen G.; Weitz, Jeffrey I.: Localization of heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin in the rat kidney

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Celluar Haemostasis

Hoke, Matthias; Kyrle, Paul A.; Philipp, Karl; Pabinger, Ingrid; Kaider, Alexandra; Schönauer, Verena; Quehenberger, Peter; Eichinger, Sabine: Prospective evaluation of coagulation activation in pregnant women receiving low-molecular weight heparin

Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Celular Haemostasis

Delis, Konstantinos T.; Knaggs, Alison L.; Sonecha, Tans N.; Zervas, Vasileios; Jenkins, Michael P.; Wolfe, John H. N.: Lower limb venous haemodynamic impairment on dependency: quantification and implications for the “economy class” position

Platelets and Blood Cells

Bergmeier, Wolfgang; Rabie, Tamer; Strehl, Amrei; Piffath, Crystal L.; Prostredna, Miroslava; Wagner, Denisa D.; Nieswandt, Bernhard: GPVI down-regulation in murine platelets through metalloproteinase-dependent shedding
Bläser, Susanne; Horn, Julia; Würmell, Paul; Bauer, Heike; Strümpell, Sandra; Nurden, Paquita; Pagenstecher, Axel; Busse, Anja; Wunderle, Daniela; Hainmann, Ina; Zieger, Barbara: The novel human platelet septin SEPT8 is an interaction partner of SEPT4
Gerotziafas, Grigoris T.; Chakroun, Tahar; Depasse, François; Arzoglou, Pantelis; Samama, Meyer M.; Elalamy, Ismail: The role of platelets and recombinant factor VIIa on thrombin generation, platelet activation and clot formation

Wound Healing and Inflammation/Infection

Agema, Willem R. P.; Jukema, J. Wouter; de Maat, Moniek P. M.; Zwinderman, Aeilko H.; Kastelein, John J. P.; Rabelink, Ton J.; van der Wall, Ernst E.: Pharmacogenetics of the CD14 endotoxin receptor polymorphism and progression of coronary atherosclerosis

Endothelium and Vascular Development

Chan, Anthony K. C.; Paredes, Nethnapha; Thong, Bruce; Chindemi, Paul; Paes, Bosco; Berry, Leslie R.; Monagle, Paul: Binding of heparin to plasma proteins and endothelial surfaces is inhibited by covalent linkage to antithrombin

Cell Signaling and Vessel Remodeling

Maruyoshi, Hidetomo; Kojima, Sunao; Funahashi, Tohru; Miyamoto, Shinzo; Hokamaki, Jun; Soejima, Hirofumi; Sakamoto, Tomohiro; Kawano, Hiroaki; Yoshimura, Michihiro; Kitagawa, Akira; Matsuzawa, Yuji; Ogawa, Hisao: Adiponectin is inversely related to plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in patients with stable exertional angina
Aznar, Justo; Mira, Yolanda; Vayá, Amparo; Corella, Dolores; Ferrando, Fernando; Villa, Piedad; Estellés, Amparo: Factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A mutations in young adults with cryptogenic ischemic stroke

Case Report

Schuepbach, Reto A.; Meili, Esther O.; Schneider, Ernst; Peter, Ueli; Bachli, Esther B.: Lepirudin therapy for thrombotic complications in congenital afibrinogenaemia
Disch, Alexander Carl; Matziolis, Georg; Reinke, Petra; Perka, Carsten: Intravenous Iloprost treatment for severe bone pain caused by sickle cell crisis

Letters to the Editor

Mavri, Alenka; Bastelica, Delphine; Staels, Bart; El Ayachi, Soulaf; Juhan-Vague, Irène; Alessi, Marie-Christine: PPARα deficiency does not modify age dependency but prevents high fat diet increase in plasma PAI-1 as well as insulin resistance
Franchini, Massimo; Tagliaferri, Annarita; Rossetti, Gina; Pattacini, Corrado; Pozzoli, Donatella; Lorenz, Claudio; Gandini, Giorgio: Absence of thromboembolic complications in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders undergoing major orthopaedic surgery without antithrombotic prophylaxis