DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 27 · Oktober 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35045


Review Article

Wijnen, Rene; Anzelewicz, Stefan Michał; Petersen, Claus; Czauderna, Piotr: European Reference Networks: Share, Care, and Cure—Future or Dream?
Pakarinen, Mikko; Bjørland, Kristin; Qvist, Niels; Wester, Tomas: Centralized Pediatric Surgery in the Nordic Countries: A Role Model for Europe?
Peycelon, Matthieu; Faraj, Sebastien; Leclair, Marc David; Bonnard, Arnaud: French Connection between Specialized and Routine Pediatric Surgical Care
Riccipetitoni, Giovanna; Gamba, Piergiorgio; Lima, Mario; Inserra, Alessandro; Martino, Ascanio; Mattioli, Girolamo; Pelizzo, Gloria; Romeo, Carmelo: Bella Italia: Specialized Pediatric Surgical Care in Italy

Original Article

Zozaya, Carlos; Triana, Miryam; Madero, Rosario; Abrams, Steven; Martinez, Leopoldo; Amesty, Maria Virginia; Pipaón, Miguel Sáenz de: Predicting Full Enteral Feeding in the Postoperative Period in Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Hölscher, Alice Catherine; Laschat, Michael; Choinitzki, Vera; Zwink, Nadine; Jenetzky, Ekkehart; Münsterer, Oliver; Kurz, Ralf; Pauly, Marcus; Brokmeier, Ulrike; Leutner, Andreas; Ure, Benno; Lacher, Martin; Schumacher, Johannes; Reutter, Heiko; Boemers, Thomas Michael: Quality of Life after Surgical Treatment for Esophageal Atresia: Long-Term Outcome of 154 Patients