DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Ausgabe 08 · Volume 32 · Juli 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-29411

Original Article

Cortezzo, DonnaMaria E.; Sanders, Marilyn R.; Brownell, Elizabeth A.; Moss, Kerry: End-of-Life Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Experiences of Staff and Parents
Hei, Mingyan; Lee, Shoo K.; Shah, Prakesh S.; Jain, Amish; for the Canadian Neonatal Network: Outcomes for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Small for Gestational Age Preterm Infants in Canadian Tertiary NICUs
Sparks, Teresa N.; Yeaton-Massey, Amanda; Granados, Jesus M.; Handler, Stephanie J.; Meyer, Michelle; Caughey, Aaron B.: How Do Maternal Views of Delivery Outcomes Vary by Demographics and Preferred Mode of Delivery?
Hagadorn, James I.; Salikooti, Saritha; Pappagallo, Mariann; Arias-Camison, Jose; Weiner, Scott; Alba, Jorge; Herson, Victor: Postpartum Triage, Services Provided, and Length of Stay for Infants Born At 35 Weeks Gestation
Ferraro, Nicole M.; Reamer, Courtney B.; Reynolds, Thomas A.; Howell, Lori J.; Moldenhauer, Julie S.; Day, Theodore Eugene: Capacity Planning for Maternal–Fetal Medicine Using Discrete Event Simulation
Pratesi, Simone; Di Fabio, Sandra; Bresci, Cecilia; Di Natale, Cecilia; Bar, Shahar; Dani, Carlo: Broad-Spectrum Light versus Blue Light for Phototherapy in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Kirtsman, Maksim; Yoon, Eugene W.; Ojah, Cecil; Cieslak, Zenon; Lee, Shoo K.; Shah, Prakesh S.: Nil-Per-Os Days and Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Extremely Preterm Infants