DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 10 · Volume 24 · October 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7259

Alper, Arnold B.; Yi, Yeonjoo; Webber, Larry S.; Pridjian, Gabriella; Mumuney, Abimbola Aina; Saade, George; Morgan, Jamie; Nuwayhid, Bahij; Belfort, Michael; Puschett, Jules: Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate in Preeclamptic Patients
Belogolovkin, Victoria; Ferrara, Lauren; Moshier, Erin; Gandhi, Manisha; Eddleman, Keith; Stone, Joanne: Differences in Fetal Growth, Discordancy, and Placental Pathology in Reduced versus Nonreduced Twins
Pabalan, Maria Janina U.; Wynn, Ralph J.; Reynolds, Anne Marie; Ryan, Rita M.; Youssfi, Mostafa; Manja, Veena; Lakshminrusimha, Satyan: Pleural Effusion with Parenteral Nutrition Solution: An Unusual Complication of an “Appropriately” Placed Umbilical Venous Catheter
Iacobelli, Silvia; Loprieno, Sabrina; Bonsante, Francesco; Latorre, Giuseppe; Esposito, Luigi; Gouyon, Jean Bernard: Renal Function in Early Childhood in Very Low Birthweight Infants
Moro, Manuel; Figueras-Aloy, Josep; Fernández, Cristina; Doménech, Eduardo; Jiménez, Rafael; Pérez-Rodríguez, Jesús; Pérez-Sheriff, Vicente; Quero, José; Roqués, Vicente: Mortality for Newborns of Birthweight less Than 1500 g in Spanish Neonatal Units (2002-2005)
Aslam, Muhammad; DeGrazia, Michele; Gregory, Mary Lucia P.: Diagnostic Evaluation of Neonatal Ascites
Hentschel, Juliane; Ruff, Ruth; Juette, Frauke; Gontard, Alexander von; Gortner, Ludwig: Neonatal Facial Movements in the First Minutes of Life-Eye Opening and Tongue Thrust: An Observational Study
Chu, Hui-Ping; Kanagalingam, Devendra; Chan, Daisy Kwai-Lin: Severe Intrauterine Hemolysis Due to Anti-Cw