DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 10 · Volume 15 · 1998 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7179


Behrenz, Kristin M.; Mastrobattista, Joan M.; Monga, Manju: Maternal-Fetal Transfers: Indications, Appropriateness, and Cost
Birnbacher, Robert; Proll, E.; Kohlhauser, Ch.; Marx, M.; Schlemmer, M.; Dobner , M.; Salzer-Muhar, U.: Echocardiographic Evidence of Aortopulmonary Collaterals in Premature Infants After Closure of Ductus Arteriosus
Zimmerman, Jerry J.; Gabbert, Debra; Shivpuri, Chandra; Kayata, Sahar; Ciesielski, Wayne; Miller, Judith; Peters, Mary Ellen; Eissenstat, R. P.; Shen, Guanghong: Meter-Dosed, Inhaled Beclomethasone Attenuates Bronchoalveolar Oxyradical Inflammation in Premature Infants at Risk for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Jazayeri, Allahyar; O'Brien, William F.; Tsibris, John C. M.; Spellacy, William N.: Are Maternal Diabetes and Preeclampsia Independent Simulators of Fetal Erythropoietin Production?
Franchi, Massimo; Ghezzi, Fabio; Balestreri, Debora; Beretta, Paolo; Maymon, Eli; Miglierina, Massimiliano; Bolis, Pier Francesco: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Two Surgical Techniques for Cesarean Section