DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 27 · Mai 1995 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-6648

Originals Basic


Originals Clinical

Breidert, M.; Pinzer, T.; Wildbrett, J.; Bornstein, S. R.; Hanefeld, M.: Long-Term Effect of Octreotide in Acromegaly on Insulin Resistance
Okuno, S.; Akazawo, S.; Yasuhi, I.; Kawasaki, E.; Matsumoto, K.; Yamasaki, H.; Matsuo, H.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Nagataki, S.: Decreased Expression of the GLUT4 Glucose Transporter Protein in Adipose Tissue During Pregnancy
Medeiros, Lydia C.; Liu, Y. W.; Park, S.; Chang, P.-H.; Smith, A. M.: Insulin, But Not Estrogen, Correlated with Indexes of Desaturase Function in Obese Women
Kazumi, T.; Yoshino, G.; Ohki, A.; Matsuba, K.; Ino, T.; Amono, M.; Kosugo, M.; the Hyogo Simvastotin Study Group: Long-Term Effects of Simvastatin in Hypercholesterolemic Patients with NIDDM and Additional Atherosclerotic Risk Factors

Short Communications

Poulos, J. E.; Serrano, J.; Ravindra, R.; Madigan, T.; Caro, J. F.: The Effect of GTPγS on Insulin Binding to Human Liver Plasma Membranes
Myśliwska, Jolanta; Skuratowicz-Kubica, Anna; Zorena, Katarzyna; Horoszek-Maziarz, Stefania; Myśliwski, Andrzej: Hypothetical Relationship Between the Presence of TNFα in the Sera of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Type I Patients and Control of the Disease

