DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 01 · Volume 21 · January 2000 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-565



Physiology and Biochemistry

van Hall, G.; Saris, W. H. M.; van de Schoor, P. A. I.; Wagenmakers, A. J. M.: The Effect of Free Glutamine and Peptide Ingestion on the Rate of Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis in Man

Training and Testing

Brisswalter, J.; Hausswirth, C.; Smith, D.; Vercruyssen, F.; Vallier, J. M.: Energetically Optimal Cadence vs. Freely-Chosen Cadence During Cycling: Effect of Exercise Duration


Peters, H. P. F.; Wiersma, J. W. C.; Koerselman, J.; Akkermans, L. M. A.; Bol, E.; Mosterd, W. L.; de Vries, W. R.: The Effect of a Sports Drink on Gastroesophageal Reflux During a Run-Bike-Run Test

Orthopedics and Clinical Science

Haapala, J.; Arokoski, J.; Pirttimäki, J.; Lyyra, T.; Jurvelin, J.; Tammi, M.; Helminen, H. J.; Kiviranta, I.: Incomplete Restoration of Immobilization Induced Softening of Young Beagle Knee Articular Cartilage After 50-Week Remobilization