DOI: 10.1055/s-00000015

European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 15 · Oktober 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-4437

Review Article

Original Article

Ure, B. M.; Schmidt, A. I.; Jesch, N. K.: Thoracoscopic Surgery in Infants and Children
Ceylan, H.; Yüncü, M.; Gürel, A.; Armutçu, F.; Gergerlioğlu, H. S.; Bağci, C.; Demiryürek, A. T.: Effects of Whole-Body Hypoxic Preconditioning on Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Induced Intestinal Injury in Newborn Rats
Smaropoulos, E. C.; Papazoglou, L. G.; Patsikas, M. N.; Vretou, E.; Petropoulos, A. S.: Lymphatic Regeneration Following Hind Limb Replantation: An Experimental Study in the Dog

Case Report

Lainakis, N.; Antypas, S.; Panagidis, A.; Alexandrou, I.; Kambouri, K.; Kyriazis, C.; Dolatzas, T.: Annular Pancreas in Two Consecutive Siblings: An Extremely Rare Case
Mavridis, G.; Livaditi, E.; Soutis, M.; Keramidas, D. C.: Complete Currarino Triad in All Affected Members of the Same Family

Letter to the Editors

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