DOI: 10.1055/s-00000017

Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes

Ausgabe 05 · Volume 113 · Mai 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-4129



Libé, R.; Mantovani, G.; Bondioni, S.; Lania, A. G.; Pedroni, C.; Beck-Peccoz, P.; Spada, A.: Mutational Analysis of PRKAR1A and Gsα in Sporadic Adrenocortical Tumors
Schmidt, B. M. W.; Horisberger, K.; Feuring, M.; Schultz, A.; Wehling, M.: Aldosterone Blunts Human Baroreflex Sensitivity by a Nongenomic Mechanism
Csupor, E.; Toth, E.; Meszaros, S.; Ferencz, V.; Szucs, J.; Lakatos, P.; Horányi, J.; Perner, F.; Horvath, C.: Is There Any Connection Between the Presence of Kidney Stones in Primary Hyperparathyroidism and the Location of an Underlying Adenoma?
Raddatz, D.; Roßbach, C.; Buchwald, A.; Scholz, K.-H.; Ramadori, G.; Nolte, W.: Fasting Hyperglucagonemia in Patients with Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts (TIPS)
Haap, M.; Machicao, F.; Stefan, N.; Thamer, C.; Tschritter, O.; Schnuck, F.; Wallwiener, D.; Stumvoll, M.; Häring, H.-U.; Fritsche, A.: Genetic Determinants of Insulin Action in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Haslbeck, K.-M.; Schleicher, E.; Bierhaus, A.; Nawroth, P.; Haslbeck, M.; Neundörfer, B.; Heuss, D.: The AGE/RAGE/NF-κB Pathway May Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Polyneuropathy in Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)

Case Report

Schumann, C.; Faust, M.; Gerharz, M.; Ortmann, M.; Schubert, M.; Krone, W.: Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Associated with Idiopathic Giant Cell Myocarditis