DOI: 10.1055/s-00000017

Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes

Issue 06 · Volume 119 · June 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22058


Livadas, S.; Christou, M.; Economou, F.; Karachalios, A.; Xyrafis, X.; Boutzios, G.; Zerva, A.; Tantalaki, E.; Palimeri, S.; Diamanti-Kandarakis, E.: “Menstrual Irregularities in PCOS. Does it Matter when it Starts?”
Díaz-Soto, G.; Puig-Domingo, M.; Martínez-Pino, I.; Martínez de Osaba, M. J.; Mora, M.; Rivera-Fillat, F.; Halperin, I.: Do Thyroid Cancer Patients with Basal Undetectable Tg Measured by Current Immunoassays Require rhTSH Testing?
Eggers, K.; Sikora, K.; Lorenz, M.; Taubert, T.; Moobed, M.; Baumann, G.; Stangl, K.; Stangl, V.: RAGE-Dependent Regulation of Calcium-Binding Proteins S100A8 and S100A9 in Human THP-1
Rittig, K.; Hildebrandt, U.; Thamer, C.; Staiger, H.; Peter, A.; Stefan, N.; Fritsche, A.; Häring, H.-U.; Balletshofer, B. M.; Siegel-Axel, D.: Apelin Serum Levels are not Associated with Early Atherosclerosis or Fat Distribution in Young Subjects with Increased Risk for Type 2 Diabetes
Dong, X. L.; Liu, Y.; Sun, Y.; Sun, C.; Fu, F. M.; Wang, S. L.; Chen, L.: Comparison of HbA1c and OGTT Criteria to Diagnose Diabetes Among Chinese
Köster, I.; Huppertz, E.; Hauner, H.; Schubert, I.: Direct Costs of Diabetes Mellitus in Germany – CoDiM 2000–2007