DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 06 · Volume 32 · June 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22055

Training & Testing

Hanson, N. J.; Berg, K.; Deka, P.; Meendering, J. R.; Ryan, C.: Oxygen Cost of Running Barefoot vs. Running Shod
Figard-Fabre, H.; Fabre, N.; Leonardi, A.; Schena, F.: Efficacy of Nordic Walking in Obesity Management
Castellano, J.; Blanco-Villaseñor, A.; Álvarez, D.: Contextual Variables and Time-Motion Analysis in Soccer
Noordhof, D. A.; Vink, A. M. T.; de Koning, J. J.; Foster, C.: Anaerobic Capacity: Effect of Computational Method
Fryer, S.; Draper, N.; Dickson, T.; Blackwell, G.; Winter, D.; Ellis, G.: Comparison of Lactate Sampling Sites for Rock Climbing
Woorons, X.; Bourdillon, N.; Lamberto, C.; Vandewalle, H.; Richalet, J.-P.; Mollard, P.; Pichon, A.: Cardiovascular Responses During Hypoventilation at Exercise

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Fujiya, H.; Goto, K.; Kohno, T.; Aoki, H.: Changes of SM Muscles After STG Harvest

Clinical Sciences

Darabaneanu, S.; Overath, C. H.; Rubin, D.; Lüthje, S.; Sye, W.; Niederberger, U.; Gerber, W.-D.; Weisser, B.: Aerobic Exercise as a Therapy Option for Migraine: A Pilot Study
Gómez, A. M.; Martínez, C.; Fiuza-Luces, C.; Herrero, F.; Pérez, M.; Madero, L.; Ruiz, J. R.; Lucia, A.; Ramírez, M.: Exercise Training and Cytokines in Breast Cancer Survivors
Cho, J.-K.; Lee, S.-H.; Lee, J.-Y.; Kang, H.-S.: Randomized Controlled Trial of Training Intensity in Adiposity

Genetics & Molecular Biology

Chiu, L-L.; Wu, Y-F.; Tang, M-T.; Yu, H-C.; Hsieh, L-L.; Hsieh, S. S-Y.: ACTN3 Genotype and Swimming Performance in Taiwan

Letter to the Editor

Gordon, D.; Keiller, D.; Barnes, R.; Hopkins, S.; King, C.: Response to Professor Shephard's Letter to the Editor: