International Journal of Sports Medicine
Issue 10 ·
Volume 31 ·
October 2010
DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21391
Physiology & Biochenistry
España-Romero, V.;
Ortega, F. B.;
Ruiz, J. R.;
Artero, E. G.;
Martínez-Gómez, D.;
Vicente-Rodriguez, G.;
Moliner-Urdiales, D.;
Gracia-Marco, L.;
Ciarapica, D.;
Widhalm, K.;
Castillo Garzon, M. J.;
Sjöstrom, M.;
Moreno, L. A.:
Role of Cardiorespiratory Fitness on the Association Between Physical Activity and Abdominal Fat Content in Adolescents: The HELENA Study
Training & Testing
Cadore, E. L.;
Pinto, R. S.;
Lhullier, F. L. R.;
Correa, C. S.;
Alberton, C. L.;
Pinto, S. S.;
Almeida, A. P. V.;
Tartaruga, M. P.;
Silva, E. M.;
Kruel, L. F. M.:
Physiological Effects of Concurrent Training in Elderly Men
Orthopedics & Biomechanics
Clinical Sciences
Behavioural Sciences