DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 03 · Volume 26 · March 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-15817

Rabe, Heike; Alvarez, Jose R. Fernandez; Lawn, Carolyn; Seddon, Paul; Amess, Philip N.: A Management Guideline to Reduce the Frequency of Blood Transfusion in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants
Poggi, Sarah H.; Salafia, Carolyn; Paiva, Sara; Leak, Nia J.; Pezzullo, John C.; Ghidini, Alessandro: Variability in Pathologists' Detection of Placental Meconium Uptake
Wacker, Annette; Riethmüller, Joachim; Zilker, Thomas; Felgenhauer, Norbert; Abele, Harald; Poets, Christian F.; Goelz, Rangmar: Fetal Risk through Maternal Amanita phalloides Poisoning at the End of Pregnancy
Huissoud, Cyril; Divry, Véronique; Dupont, Corinne; Gaspard, Marie; Rudigoz, René-Charles: Large Fetomaternal Hemorrhage: Prenatal Predictive Factors for Perinatal Outcome
Aranda, Jacob V.; Clyman, Ronald; Cox, Blair; Van Overmeire, Bart; Wozniak, Paul; Sosenko, Ilene; Carlo, Waldemar A.; Ward, Robert M.; Shalwitz, Robert; Baggs, Geraldine; Seth, Anand; Darko, Laszlo: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial on Intravenous Ibuprofen L-Lysine for the Early Closure of Nonsymptomatic Patent Ductus Arteriosus within 72 Hours of Birth in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants