CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Eur J Dent 2015; 09(03): 433-437
DOI: 10.4103/1305-7456.163231
Case Report
Dental Investigation Society

A different wax sculpture technique for implant-retained auricular prosthesis

Necla Demir
1   Department of Prosthodontics, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkiye
Pınar Cevik
2   Department of Prosthodontics, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkiye
Yener Okutan
1   Department of Prosthodontics, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkiye
A. Nilgun Ozturk
1   Department of Prosthodontics, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkiye
Bahar Colpan
3   Department of Autorhinolarngology, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkiye
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Dr. Necla Demir

Publication History

Publication Date:
04 September 2019 (online)



Replacement of missing ears is a challenging task in which extensive array of materials and techniques have been employed. This article describes a different and simplified procedure for fabricating auricular prostheses very similar to the intact left ear of the patient. A 65-year-old male patient was referred to the Department of Prosthodontics with the loss of the right ear. In this case, the impression was made using hydrocolloid material (alginate) from the both defected and the opposite side. After hardening of the stone casts, a custom-made transparent splint plate was designed for the left auricular side. The splint was reversed and a cast model of the right auricular side was obtained as pouring the dental stone into transparent orthodontic splint. After getting the impression from cast model, conventional wax pattern and try on process was done. Finally, silicone elastomer was polymerized and the retention of the prosthesis acquired with the magnetic attachments. The technique described is economical, conventional, and time-saving. Furthermore, the prosthesis imitates the patient's intact auricular tissue.




Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


  • 1 Ozturk AN, Usumez A, Tosun Z. Implant-retained auricular prosthesis: A case report. Eur J Dent 2010; 4: 71-4
  • 2 Beumer J, Zlotolow I. Restoration of facial defects: Etiology, disability, and rehabilitation. In: Beumer J, Curtis TA, Firtell DN. editors. Maxillofacial Rehabilitation: Prosthodontic and Surgical Considerations. St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby; 1979: p. 328-40
  • 3 Chung RW, Siu AS, Chu FC, Chow TW. Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 446-9
  • 4 Mantri SS, Thombre RU, Pallavi D. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient with bilateral auricular deformity. J Adv Prosthodont 2011; 3: 101-5
  • 5 Beumer J, Curtis TA, Marunick MT. Maxillofacial rehabilitation. In: Prosthodontic and Surgical Considerations. St. Louis: Ishiyaku Euro America; 1996: p. 437
  • 6 Roumanas ED, Chang TL, Beumer J. Use of osseointegrated implants in the restoration of head and neck defects. J Calif Dent Assoc 2006; 34: 711-8
  • 7 Abu-Serriah MM, McGowan DA, Moos KF, Bagg J. Extra-oral endosseous craniofacial implants: Current status and future developments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003; 32: 452-8
  • 8 Visser A, Raghoebar GM, van Oort RP, Vissink A. Fate of implant-retained craniofacial prostheses: Life span and aftercare. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008; 23: 89-98
  • 9 Wright RF, Zemnick C, Wazen JJ, Asher E. Osseointegrated implants and auricular defects: A case series study. J Prosthodont 2008; 17: 468-75
  • 10 Karayazgan B, Gunay Y, Atay A, Noyun F. Facial defects restored with extraoral implant-supported prostheses. J Craniofac Surg 2007; 18: 1086-90
  • 11 Chung RW, Siu AS, Chu FC, Chow TW. Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 446-9
  • 12 Voigt A, Christ S, Klein M. Experimental analysis of retention forces of different magnetic devices for bone-anchored auricular facial prostheses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 37: 664-8
  • 13 de Sousa AA, Mattos BS. Magnetic retention and bar-clip attachment for implant-retained auricular prostheses: A comparative analysis. Int J Prosthodont 2008; 21: 233-6
  • 14 Hegde C, Krishma DP, Shukla P, Shetty M. Rehabilitation of auricular defects utilizing single implant and tissue support. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2008; 8: 105-7
  • 15 Seals Jr RR, Cortes AL, Parel SM. Fabrication of facial prostheses by applying the osseointegration concept for retention. J Prosthet Dent 1989; 61: 712-6
  • 16 Gurbuz A, Kalkan M, Ozturk AN, Eskitascioglu G. Nasal prosthesis rehabilitation: A case report. Quintessence Int 2004; 35: 655-6
  • 17 Godoy AJ, Lemon JC, Nakamura SH, King GE. A shade guide for acrylic resin facial prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 1992; 68: 120-2
  • 18 McKinstry RE. Fundamentals of Facial Prosthetics. Clearwater: ABI Professional Publications; 1995: p. 169-79
  • 19 Arora A, Pasam N, Gilra S, Arora PC. Prosthetic rehabilitation of auricular defect: A clinical report. Prosthet Orthot Int 2013; 37: 240-4
  • 20 Del Valle V, Faulkner G, Wolfaardt J, Rangert B, Tan HK. Mechanical evaluation of craniofacial osseointegration retention systems. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1995; 10: 491-8
  • 21 Wolfaardt JF, Wilkes GH, Anderson JD. Craniofacial osseointegration: Prosthodontic treatment. In: Taylor TD. editor. Clinical Maxillofacial Prosthetics. Chicago: Quintessence; 2000: p. 285-7
  • 22 Lovely M, Dathan PC, Gopal D, George BT, Chandrasekharan NairK. Implant retained auricular prosthesis with a modified hader bar: A case report. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2014; 14: 187-90
  • 23 de Sousa AA, Mattos BS. Magnetic retention and bar-clip attachment for implant-retained auricular prostheses: A comparative analysis. Int J Prosthodont 2008; 21: 233-6
  • 24 Del Valle V, Faulkner G, Wolfaardt J, Rangert B, Tan HK. Mechanical evaluation of craniofacial osseointegration retention systems. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1995; 10: 491-8
  • 25 Thomas KF. Freestanding magnetic retention for extraoral prosthesis with osseointegrated implants. J Prosthet Dent 1995; 73: 162-5
  • 26 Charkawi HG, Sharkawy AG. A simplified technique for orientation of a bone anchored auricular prostheses: A clinical report. J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012; 3: e6
  • 27 McCartney JW. Osseointegrated implant-supported and magnetically retained ear prosthesis: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 1991; 66: 6-9
  • 28 Chung RW, Siu AS, Chu FC, Chow TW. Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 446-9
  • 29 Gilson TD, Asgar K, Peyton FA. The quality of union formed in casting gold to embedded attachment metals. J Prosthet Dent 1965; 15: 464-73
  • 30 Leow ME, Ow RK, Valiyaveettil S, Lee MH, Pho RW. Colourfast pigments in silicone hand and maxillofacial prostheses. Prosthet Orthot Int 2002; 26: 124-34


Dr. Necla Demir


  • 1 Ozturk AN, Usumez A, Tosun Z. Implant-retained auricular prosthesis: A case report. Eur J Dent 2010; 4: 71-4
  • 2 Beumer J, Zlotolow I. Restoration of facial defects: Etiology, disability, and rehabilitation. In: Beumer J, Curtis TA, Firtell DN. editors. Maxillofacial Rehabilitation: Prosthodontic and Surgical Considerations. St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby; 1979: p. 328-40
  • 3 Chung RW, Siu AS, Chu FC, Chow TW. Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 446-9
  • 4 Mantri SS, Thombre RU, Pallavi D. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient with bilateral auricular deformity. J Adv Prosthodont 2011; 3: 101-5
  • 5 Beumer J, Curtis TA, Marunick MT. Maxillofacial rehabilitation. In: Prosthodontic and Surgical Considerations. St. Louis: Ishiyaku Euro America; 1996: p. 437
  • 6 Roumanas ED, Chang TL, Beumer J. Use of osseointegrated implants in the restoration of head and neck defects. J Calif Dent Assoc 2006; 34: 711-8
  • 7 Abu-Serriah MM, McGowan DA, Moos KF, Bagg J. Extra-oral endosseous craniofacial implants: Current status and future developments. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003; 32: 452-8
  • 8 Visser A, Raghoebar GM, van Oort RP, Vissink A. Fate of implant-retained craniofacial prostheses: Life span and aftercare. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008; 23: 89-98
  • 9 Wright RF, Zemnick C, Wazen JJ, Asher E. Osseointegrated implants and auricular defects: A case series study. J Prosthodont 2008; 17: 468-75
  • 10 Karayazgan B, Gunay Y, Atay A, Noyun F. Facial defects restored with extraoral implant-supported prostheses. J Craniofac Surg 2007; 18: 1086-90
  • 11 Chung RW, Siu AS, Chu FC, Chow TW. Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 446-9
  • 12 Voigt A, Christ S, Klein M. Experimental analysis of retention forces of different magnetic devices for bone-anchored auricular facial prostheses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 37: 664-8
  • 13 de Sousa AA, Mattos BS. Magnetic retention and bar-clip attachment for implant-retained auricular prostheses: A comparative analysis. Int J Prosthodont 2008; 21: 233-6
  • 14 Hegde C, Krishma DP, Shukla P, Shetty M. Rehabilitation of auricular defects utilizing single implant and tissue support. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2008; 8: 105-7
  • 15 Seals Jr RR, Cortes AL, Parel SM. Fabrication of facial prostheses by applying the osseointegration concept for retention. J Prosthet Dent 1989; 61: 712-6
  • 16 Gurbuz A, Kalkan M, Ozturk AN, Eskitascioglu G. Nasal prosthesis rehabilitation: A case report. Quintessence Int 2004; 35: 655-6
  • 17 Godoy AJ, Lemon JC, Nakamura SH, King GE. A shade guide for acrylic resin facial prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 1992; 68: 120-2
  • 18 McKinstry RE. Fundamentals of Facial Prosthetics. Clearwater: ABI Professional Publications; 1995: p. 169-79
  • 19 Arora A, Pasam N, Gilra S, Arora PC. Prosthetic rehabilitation of auricular defect: A clinical report. Prosthet Orthot Int 2013; 37: 240-4
  • 20 Del Valle V, Faulkner G, Wolfaardt J, Rangert B, Tan HK. Mechanical evaluation of craniofacial osseointegration retention systems. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1995; 10: 491-8
  • 21 Wolfaardt JF, Wilkes GH, Anderson JD. Craniofacial osseointegration: Prosthodontic treatment. In: Taylor TD. editor. Clinical Maxillofacial Prosthetics. Chicago: Quintessence; 2000: p. 285-7
  • 22 Lovely M, Dathan PC, Gopal D, George BT, Chandrasekharan NairK. Implant retained auricular prosthesis with a modified hader bar: A case report. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2014; 14: 187-90
  • 23 de Sousa AA, Mattos BS. Magnetic retention and bar-clip attachment for implant-retained auricular prostheses: A comparative analysis. Int J Prosthodont 2008; 21: 233-6
  • 24 Del Valle V, Faulkner G, Wolfaardt J, Rangert B, Tan HK. Mechanical evaluation of craniofacial osseointegration retention systems. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1995; 10: 491-8
  • 25 Thomas KF. Freestanding magnetic retention for extraoral prosthesis with osseointegrated implants. J Prosthet Dent 1995; 73: 162-5
  • 26 Charkawi HG, Sharkawy AG. A simplified technique for orientation of a bone anchored auricular prostheses: A clinical report. J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012; 3: e6
  • 27 McCartney JW. Osseointegrated implant-supported and magnetically retained ear prosthesis: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 1991; 66: 6-9
  • 28 Chung RW, Siu AS, Chu FC, Chow TW. Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89: 446-9
  • 29 Gilson TD, Asgar K, Peyton FA. The quality of union formed in casting gold to embedded attachment metals. J Prosthet Dent 1965; 15: 464-73
  • 30 Leow ME, Ow RK, Valiyaveettil S, Lee MH, Pho RW. Colourfast pigments in silicone hand and maxillofacial prostheses. Prosthet Orthot Int 2002; 26: 124-34