CC BY 4.0 · J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj 2024; 19(01): e20-e26
DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787296
Original Article

Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic in Patients with a Previous Phrenic Nerve Transfer for a Traumatic Brachial Plexus Palsy

1   Division of Neurosurgery, Hospital de Clínicas, University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Johnny Chuieng-Yi Lu
2   Division of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Francisco Zarra
3   Department of Neurosurgery, Sanatorio Guemes, University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chen Kuan Wei
2   Division of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Tommy Nai-Jen Chang
2   Division of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
David Chwei-Chin Chuang
2   Division of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
› Author Affiliations


Background With the advent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, some doubts have been raised regarding the potential respiratory problems that patients who previously underwent a phrenic nerve transfer could have.

Objectives To analyze the effects of the coronavirus infection on two populations, one from Argentina and another from Taiwan. Specific objectives were: (1) to identify the rate of COVID in patients with a history of phrenic nerve transfer for treatment of palsy; (2) to identify the overall symptom profile; (3) to compare Argentinian versus Taiwanese populations; and (4) to determine if any phrenic nerve transfer patients are at particular risk of more severe COVID.

Methods A telephonic survey that included data regarding the number of episodes of acute COVID-19 infection, the symptoms it caused, the presence or absence of potential or life-threatening complications, and the status of COVID-19 vaccination were studied. Intergroup comparisons were conducted using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test, with categorical variables conducted using either the Pearson χ2 analysis or the Fisher's exact test, as appropriate.

Results A total of 77 patients completed the survey, 40 from Taiwan and 37 from Argentina. Fifty-five (71.4%) developed a diagnosis of COVID. However, among these, only four had any level of dyspnea reported (4/55 = 7.3%), all mild. There were also no admissions to hospital or an intensive care unit, no intubations, and no deaths. All 55 patients isolated themselves at home.

Conclusions It can be concluded that an acute COVID-19 infection was very well tolerated in our patients. (Level of evidence 3b, case reports).



The phrenic nerve as donor for nerve reconstruction in traumatic brachial plexus injuries (BPI) is commonly used in several specialized centers worldwide.[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] It is a convenient donor that can be easily harvested at the supraclavicular region during brachial plexus exploration and can reach important target nerves, such as the branches of the upper trunk with nerve transfer, or to the musculocutaneous nerve via nerve graft.[14] Including the phrenic nerve in the arsenal of donor nerves could be essential in brachial plexus reconstruction, especially in severe BPI like panplexus or C5–C8 injuries when the scarcity of donors renders reconstruction of multiple functions nearly impossible. Contraindications include obese patients, age < 3 years old, previous thoracic trauma, and arguably those with chronic lung disease and old age. It has been reported that the respiratory function meliorates after this nerve transfer in a certain period of time.[10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

However, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has arisen in the world, and multiple studies have found permanent respiratory deficits after severe bouts of pneumonia[15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] and also directly affecting the phrenic nerve, producing its palsy, thus potentially exacerbating the respiratory insufficiency in those cases where the phrenic nerve was used as the donor.[7] [18] [25]

To analyze the effects that the infection by coronavirus might have produced on them, we studied two populations of different ethnicities who, prior to March 2020, underwent a phrenic nerve transfer to restore a lost function during a traumatic BPI. Two experienced nerve centers localized in different countries—Taiwan and Argentina—were enrolled. The reason for including these two countries was to analyze the results of two experienced centers that frequently use the phrenic nerve as a donor in BPIs, studying different ethnicities, geographies, and morphology of the COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives of the present work were: (1) to identify the rate of COVID in patients with a history of phrenic nerve transfer for treatment of palsy; (2) to identify the overall symptom profile and rate of significant respiratory symptoms in patients after phrenic nerve transfer who develop COVID-19; (3) to compare the Argentinian versus the Taiwanese patients; and (4) to compare COVID cases who report significant respiratory symptoms (other than cough) versus those who do not, to determine if any phrenic nerve transfer patients are at particular risk of more severe COVID. The rationale of this study was to answer an important question: did the previous medical history of complete sectioning of the phrenic nerve—and its potential negative effect on the respiratory function—really affect the course of the acute phase of a COVID-19 infection?


Materials and Methods


The total of patients who underwent phrenic nerve transfer to treat brachial plexus palsy at the two participating centers was included. Inclusion criteria were BPI patients who were operated before the COVID-19 pandemic and underwent a complete phrenic nerve section and suture to a distal nerve target to reinnervate one or more paralyzed muscles. Exclusion criteria for phrenic nerve harvesting were the same in both countries: age less than 3 years old or more than 50, obesity, chronic lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung disease. A telephonic survey that included data regarding the number of episodes of acute COVID-19 infection, the symptoms it caused, the presence or not of potential or life-threatening complications, and the status of COVID-19 vaccination at the moment of the acute infections was studied ([Table 1]). Exclusion criteria for being considered to be part of the present series are patients who were operated on after the COVID-19 pandemic, who were lost to follow-up, or who have a history of chronic lung diseases. The study was performed in full accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki II and both institution's ethics committees.

Table 1

Telephonic survey

 1- Do you have any medical comorbidity?

 2- Did you have COVID-19?

 3- What number of episodes?

 4- How was diagnosticated?

 5- Which were the symptoms in each episode?

 6- Had you ever been admitted to the hospital during the acute phase of the COVID/19 infection? In which episode/episodes? In which part of the hospital were you admitted? (ICU, normal room)

 7- Were you intubated during any of the episodes?

 8- Had you presented dyspnea during any acute episode of COVID-19?

 9- Did you receive any vaccine for COVID-19? When and how many?

Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; ICU, intensive care unit.


Statistical Analysis

All continuous variables are expressed as means with ranges, with categorical variables summarized as absolute numbers and percentages. Since all the continuous variables (e.g., patient age) were found to have non-normal distributions using the Shapiro–Wilk test, intergroup comparisons were conducted using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test, with intergroup comparisons of categorical variables conducted using either the Pearson χ2 analysis or the Fisher's exact test, as appropriate. Since we considered the study exploratory, a two-tailed, unadjusted p ≤ 0.05 was used as the criterion for statistical significance. Given the minimal number of COVID-19 patients with respiratory symptoms beyond cough (N = 4), multivariable analysis to identify predictors of respiratory dysfunction was considered inappropriate. SPSS version 28.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, United States) was the statistical software package used for all analyses.



A total of 77 patients or their families of a total of 168 completed the survey, 40 from Taiwan and 37 from Argentina. The earliest operative date included in this cohort was in January 2005, and the latest in February 2020, all before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients referred to have undergone the acute/s infection in a period ranging from March 2020 to January 2023, at the latest. As seen in the characteristics of the sample ([Table 2]), patients were relatively young: almost 80% were under 40 years old, and predominantly (84.4%) were males, with Argentina and Taiwan reasonably equally represented. Of the 77 patients, 55 (71.4%) developed a diagnosis of COVID. However, among these, only four had any level of dyspnea reported (4/55 = 7.3%), all mild. There also were no admissions to hospital or an intensive care unit (ICU), no intubations, and no deaths. All 55 patients isolated themselves at home.

Table 2

Characteristics of the sample




Total number, N


Age, (y)

 Mean (SD)

29.5 (11.6)



Age group

 Under 20 y old



 20–39 y old



 40 y and over

















Years (surgery to pandemic)










 Mean (SD)

3.71 (2.91)






Hypertension (requiring treatment)



Any currently active comorbid condition




 Confirmed by nasal swab



 Suspected due to close contact



 Total number of COVID cases



 Argentina (N = 37 surgery patients)



 Taiwan (N = 40 surgery patients)



Swab test +

 Argentina (N = 25 COVID cases)



 Taiwan (N = 30 COVID cases)



Symptoms (N = 55 cases)




 Nonrespiratory symptoms



 Cough but no dyspnea



 Mild dyspnea



 More severe dyspnea



Admitted to a hospital



Admitted to an ICU






Died from COVID or any other cause



Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; ICU, intensive care unit; SD, standard deviation.

a Out of 37 Argentinian patients.

b Out of 40 Taiwanese patients.

c Out of 27 Argentinian patients with COVID.

d Out of 30 Taiwanese patients with COVID.

In [Table 3], note that Taiwanese and Argentinian patients were quite different in several measures, with Taiwanese patients being younger, more likely to be female, almost all having developed COVID after at least one coronavirus vaccination (96.7 vs. 60.0%), and all having had COVID confirmed by nasal swab test (vs. just 44.4% among Argentinian patients). They also had undergone much more recent phrenic nerve transfers. Despite these differences, the two countries did not differ in the rate of COVID, number of episodes, or percentage of patients with respiratory symptoms (10% or less in both countries).

Table 3

Taiwanese versus Argentinian sample




Test statistic (df)

Significance, p

Odds ratio (95% CI)




Age, mean



MWU = 341.5 (1)

p < 0.001






 % under 20 y old



χ2 = 12.95 (2)

p = 0.002


 % 20–39 y old



 % 40 y and over



 % Female



χ2 = 5.61 (1)

p = 0.018

OR = 5.85 (1.83, 28.57)





p = 0.24


Hypertension (requiring treatment)




p = 0.49


Any currently active comorbid condition



χ2 = 2.57 (1)

p = 0.11

OR = 0.19 (0.02, 1.75)

 % 5–9 y



 % ≥ 10 y



Diagnosed with COVID-19, yes



χ2 = 0.52 (1)

p = 0.47

OR = 1.44 (0.53, 3.89)

When COVID diagnosed, before COVID vaccination



χ2 = 11.46 (1)

p < 0.001

OR = 19.23 (2.26, 165.7)

After COVID vaccination



COVID confirmed by nasal swab



χ2 = 22.54 (1)

p < 0.001

OR = 3.73 (2.25, 6.18)

Number of episodes, mean



MWU = 810.0

p = 0.41





 0 episodes



χ2 = 2.55 (3)

p = 0.47


 1 episode



 2 episodes



 3 episodes



COVID cases with COVID-related dyspnea



χ2 = 0.73

p = 0.39

OR = 2.67 (0.26, 27.38)

Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; df, degrees of statistical freedom; FE, Fisher's exact test; MWU, nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio.

In [Table 4], note that both a history of diabetes mellitus (p < 0.001) and a history of any comorbidity (p = 0.003) were associated with increased odds of having respiratory symptoms in the 55 patients who developed COVID. No other factors were predictors.

Table 4

Comparing coronavirus disease cases experiencing coronavirus disease-related respiratory dysfunction (other than cough or sore throat)


Nonrespiratory Sx

Respiratory Sx

Test statistic (df)

Significance, p

Odds ratio (95% CI)




Age, mean



MWU = 127.0 (1)

p = 0.58





 % under 20 y old



χ2 =2.47 (2)

p = 0.29


 % 20–39 y old



 % 40 y and over



 % Female



χ2 = 0.38 (1)

p = 0.54

OR = 2.10 (0.19, 2.13)





p = 0.049

OR = 50.0 (3.09, 810.5)

Hypertension (requiring treatment)




p = 1.00


Any currently active comorbid condition




p = 0.037

OR = 16.0 (1.64, 156.6)

Years from surgery to pandemic, mean



MWU = 80.0 (1)

p = 0.60




 % under 5 y



χ2 = 0.25 (2)

p = 0.88

 % 5–9 y



 % ≥ 10 y



When COVID diagnosed Before COVID vaccination




p = 0.53


 After COVID vaccination



 COVID confirmed by nasal swab



χ2 = 1.47 (1)

p = 0.23


Number of episodes, mean



MWU = 140.0

p = 0.18




 1 episode



χ2 = 5.42 (2)

p = 0.066


 2 episodes



 3 episodes



Abbreviations: df, degrees of statistical freedom; FE, Fisher's exact test; MWU, nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio; Sx, symptoms.

a 0.48.

b 0.56.



As mentioned, one of the most significant potential drawbacks of using the phrenic nerve as an axon donor in severe BPI is the potential risk of respiratory impairment. This argument was heightened in the COVID era. Due to the severe lung disease that this pandemic produced in many patients with acute infections, the idea that a patient with a phrenic nerve transfer performed before the infection could have a respiratory problem was conceivable. Undoubtedly, the most important finding of this article is that none of the extensive series of patients analyzed herein (n = 77) was admitted to the ICU or even to the hospital, intubated, or died in the acute setting of a COVID-19 infection ([Table 2]). Of note, most patients (n = 55 out of 77; 25 of 37 in Argentina vs. 30 out of 40 in the Taiwanese counterparts) underwent one or more than one acute COVID infection. The worst symptom that our patients showed was mild dyspnea, and this finding was not frequent (n = 4, 7.3%). This percentage is similar to what similar populations—regarding age, sex, and clinical history—showed.[16] [20] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]

Indeed, the absence of complications in our population is biased by our patient selection process: to be selected for using a unilateral phrenic nerve transfer (end to end) for a brachial plexus reinnervation, the candidates have to be older than 3, not too elderly, have good respiratory function, and not obese. These patients typically did not exhibit intolerable complications during an acute COVID-19 infection.[22] [33] [34] [35] [36] However, the alleged selection bias is a protection circumstance accepted extensively in the centers where this type of nerve transfer is usually performed, and the findings demonstrate that this exclusion criterion worked well in our population.

When compared, the patients from the two countries involved didn't show statistically significant differences ([Table 3]). Nevertheless, the rate of medical comorbidities (hypertension or diabetes, among others) was higher in Taiwanese patients than in Argentinians (12.5 vs. 2.7%, respectively). Patients from Argentina were younger (26.4 years old vs. 32.9 in Taiwan) and were more likely to be males (5.4% of females vs. 15% in Taiwan). Remarkably, two statistically significant geographical differences were found between the two countries: all patients in Taiwan were diagnosed with nasal swabs, a percentage that diminishes to 44% in Argentina, and most of the former group of patients had the first or subsequent COVID-19 acute episode after vaccination (60%), adversely to Argentinians (40%). The well-study phenomena of the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the isle of Taiwan later than in other continental countries (starting in 2021 vs. a rude start in 2020 in South and North America and in Europe)[37] [38] [39] [40] [41] can explain why most of the Taiwanese were already vaccinated when they experienced the first COVID-19 infection. The difference in access to nasal swabs in suspected cases between the two countries can not only explain the differences in diagnosis between the two groups but also the mildly higher tendency—yet not significant—verified in Taiwan to undergo more episodes of COVID-19.

When comparing COVID cases experiencing COVID-related respiratory dysfunction other than cough or sore throat ([Table 4]), we found that diabetic patients, or those who showed any comorbidity at the moment of suffering an acute COVID-19 infection, evidence a higher percentage of respiratory symptoms (50 vs. less than 6%). Again, these data are unsurprising and align with what could be expected to happen in persons with a specific clinical report who are affected by a respiratory virus such as COVID-19.

The most significant limitation of statistical analysis was the small number of patients with respiratory symptoms, which markedly reduced the study's statistical power and eliminated the potential to perform regression analysis. Another limitation is the lack of a control group. However, indeed, it can be assumed that the risk of presenting an acute COVID-19 infection is similar in patients having a traumatic BPI when compared with another population matched accordingly in demographic terms.



Although COVID was common in the studied patients, it was notable that the analyzed groups presented a very low rate of respiratory symptoms (just 4 of 77 patients) and lacked any need for hospitalization (all patients recovering at home), so no deaths were reported. Also, two predictors of increased odds of respiratory symptoms identified on bivariable analysis were a history of diabetes and a history of any severe medical comorbidity. It can be concluded that an acute COVID-19 infection was very well tolerated in our patients.


Conflict of Interest

None declared.

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  • 4 Zavala A, Chuieng-Yi Lu J, Zelenski NA, Nai-Jen Chang T, Chwei-Chin Chuang D. Staged phrenic nerve elongation and free functional gracilis muscle transplantation-a possible option for late reconstruction in chronic brachial plexus injury. J Hand Surg Am 2023; 48 (10) 1058.e1-1058.e9
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Address for correspondence

Mariano Socolovsky, MD, PhD
Division of Neurosurgery, Hospital de Clínicas, University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine
La Pampa 1175 Apt 5A, Buenos Aires 1428

Publication History

Received: 11 January 2024

Accepted: 03 May 2024

Article published online:
12 June 2024

© 2024. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

  • References

  • 1 Liu Y, Lao J, Gao K, Gu Y, Zhao X. Comparative study of phrenic nerve transfers with and without nerve graft for elbow flexion after global brachial plexus injury. Injury 2014; 45 (01) 227-231
  • 2 Xu WD, Lu JZ, Qiu YQ. et al. Hand prehension recovery after brachial plexus avulsion injury by performing a full-length phrenic nerve transfer via endoscopic thoracic surgery. J Neurosurg 2008; 108 (06) 1215-1219
  • 3 Chuieng-Yi Lu J, An-Jou Lin J, Lee CH, Nai-Jen Chang T, Chwei-Chin Chuang D. Phrenic nerve as an alternative donor for nerve transfer to restore shoulder abduction in severe multiple root injuries of the adult brachial plexus. J Hand Surg Am 2023; 48 (09) 954.e1-954.e10
  • 4 Zavala A, Chuieng-Yi Lu J, Zelenski NA, Nai-Jen Chang T, Chwei-Chin Chuang D. Staged phrenic nerve elongation and free functional gracilis muscle transplantation-a possible option for late reconstruction in chronic brachial plexus injury. J Hand Surg Am 2023; 48 (10) 1058.e1-1058.e9
  • 5 El-Gammal TA, El-Sayed A, Kotb MM. Surgical treatment of brachial plexus traction injuries in children, excluding obstetric palsy. Microsurgery 2003; 23 (01) 14-17
  • 6 Xu WD, Gu YD, Xu JG, Tan LJ. Full-length phrenic nerve transfer by means of video-assisted thoracic surgery in treating brachial plexus avulsion injury. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002; 110 (01) 104-109 , discussion 110–111
  • 7 Chuang DC, Lee GW, Hashem F, Wei FC. Restoration of shoulder abduction by nerve transfer in avulsed brachial plexus injury: evaluation of 99 patients with various nerve transfers. Plast Reconstr Surg 1995; 96 (01) 122-128
  • 8 Gu YD, Ma MK. Use of the phrenic nerve for brachial plexus reconstruction. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1996; 323: 119-121
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