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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1757295
Development of a Mobile-Based Self-care Application for Patients with Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema in Iran
- Abstract
- Background and Significance
- Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Clinical Relevance Statement
- Multiple Choice Questions
- References
Background Due to the chronic, progressive, and debilitating nature of breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), it is necessary to observe and maintain self-care management accordingly. This study was conducted to develop a mobile application based on the Android operating system for self-care management of Iranian patients with BCRL.
Methods An applied developmental study was conducted in 2020. The users' information needs assessment as well as design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the mobile app for self-care management of patients with BCRL was done by searching the literature, reviewing the existing mobile applications, and surveying the users' needs. The mobile app was designed using the Android Studio environment and Java programming language in the Android operating system. The usability of the app was evaluated by 30 patients with BCRL using the questionnaire for user interface satisfaction-seventh version (QUIS 7).
Results The mobile app for BCRL included demographic information, clinical information, lifestyle and system functions (drug use, nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, communication, and test time reminder). User usability evaluation of the app content and functions confirmed that it was appropriate and satisfactory for the self-management of women with BCRL.
Conclusion The mobile app was appropriate in terms of the content, function, and quality for improving the patients' lifestyle and education and self-management of BCRL symptoms according to its usability evaluation from the end-users' (patients) perspective. It is suggested that studies should be performed to confirm the effectiveness and identify the clinical significance of the app.
breast cancer-related lymphedema - self-care - mobile applications - breast cancer - smartphoneBackground and Significance
Breast cancer is the most common cancer and one of the most common leading causes of death in females[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] with increasing incidence and mortality across the world.[7] [8] About one-eighth of women experience breast cancer during their lifetime.[9] According to the Global Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence (GLOBOCAN), breast cancer ranked first in incidence and second in the most common causes of cancer death worldwide in 2020.[10] This cancer has been identified as the most common cancer and the fifth cause of mortality in Iranian women.[8] According to the GLOBOCAN estimates, breast cancer accounted for approximately 13% of new cancers in both men and women and 28% of cancers in women in Iran in 2020.[11]
Some breast cancer therapies, such as axillary lymph node dissection, can cause lymphedema after treatment.[4] Lymphedema is a chronic, progressive, and debilitating complication and one of the most common side effects of breast cancer treatment, which results from the fluid accumulation in the interstitial tissue due to damage to the lymphatic system following surgery, radiography, or tumor.[12] [13] [14] [15] Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) symptoms impose high costs on patients and increase their distress, reduce the quality of life (QOL), and lead to disability.[16] More than one-fifth of women who survive breast cancer develop lymphedema after breast cancer treatment, affecting more than 40% of the three million breast cancer survivors in the United States.[17]
Self-care is a very important issue in the management of chronic diseases.[18] [19] Self-care programs play a critical role in controlling chronic diseases by improving collaborative cooperation between patients and physicians, managing disease symptoms, treatments, and patient lifestyle.[20] [21] [22] Lymphedema self-care behaviors are important to prevent further progression of the disease and the severity of symptoms as well as its psychological and societal consequences. Effective self-care in BCRL includes various behaviors that require continuous implementation to minimize symptoms and slow the progression of the disease, some of which include wearing a compression garment, proper exercise, hygiene and skin care, preventing damage to the affected area and reducing the risk of infection, and maintaining a normal body mass index.[23] [24]
In recent years, adoption and widespread use of mobile phone technologies have opened new horizons for improving health and providing health care.[19] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] Today, people are increasingly using mobile health (m-health) applications to manage chronic illnesses, mental health, and fitness[30] because these apps can reduce self-care costs, increase care accessibility,[31] [32] and improve the health outcomes, social support, and QOL of patients with chronic diseases.[33] [34] [35]
The use of m-health apps makes it possible to perform routine assessments and effective interventions that are key to self-care to improve the management of lymphedema symptoms[15] [25] and access to health care for people with disabilities related to BCRL.[36] Due to the lack of definitive treatment for patients with lymphedema and the importance of self-care in reducing the symptoms of the disease, teaching self-care strategies via mobile apps can greatly reduce the risk of lymph fluid accumulation.[15] [37] [38] Long-term self-care reduces the effects of lymphedema on the patients' health status, lessens the severity of inflammation, and ultimately prevents disease progression, thereby reducing health care costs. In addition, the lack of care and treatment services for these patients shows the importance of following self-care tips for patients with BCRL; therefore, m-health is a key solution that can be used for all or some aspects of their care.[39] However, the acceptance and satisfaction of the end users of an application is an integral part of its successful implementation because the evaluation of usability and user satisfaction makes it possible to redesign the application (if needed) to ensure the benefits and leads to its success implementation.[40] [41] In Iran, limited studies have focused on the design and use of mobile applications for preventive measures and care of breast cancer patients.[42] [43]
To the best of our knowledge, no mobile-based applications have yet been developed to manage the symptoms of BCRL disease in Iran. Thus, a study was conducted to develop a mobile app for self-care management of Iranian patients with BCRL and evaluate its usability.
An applied developmental study was conducted to develop and test the usability of a mobile application based on the Android operating system for self-care management of Iranian patients with BCRL in 2020. This study was conducted in three main stages.
Stage 1: Pre-development (Information Needs of Patients and Experts, Content, and Functions of the App)
The needs assessment survey was conducted from June 1 to June 30, 2020 to determine the required information needs for the BCRL self-care mobile application from the participants' perspectives (experts and patients).
The contents of the application were organized using a literature review. In this stage, all publications until May 2020 were searched in PubMed and Scopus databases for related clinical guidelines and medical literature. The applied search terms were a combination of “breast neoplasm*” OR “breast cancer” OR “Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema” OR “Breast Cancer Lymphedema” OR “Breast Cancer Lymphedema” OR “Post-mastectomy Lymphedema” OR “Breast Cancer-Related Arm Lymphedema” OR “Breast Cancer Treatment-Related Lymphedema” AND “Smartphone Apps” OR “Mobile Apps” OR “Mobile Applications” OR “Portable Software Apps” OR “Portable Electronic Apps” OR “Portable Software Applications” OR “Portable Electronic Applications.”
The inclusion criteria were full-text articles in English language related to the research topic. The articles published in languages other than English, the articles whose full-text were impossible to access, reports and forms retrieved from personal weblogs, and letters to editors were excluded from the study. A total of 220 papers were extracted of which 27 papers were duplicates and were therefore removed. Of the 193 remaining papers, 156 and 27 articles were excluded after reviewing their titles and abstracts, respectively. The remaining 10 papers were scrutinized for eligibility, and all of them met the inclusion criteria.[21] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]
A questionnaire was constructed to determine the information content and functions of the mobile-based self-care application for patients with BCRL based on literature review. The questionnaire was composed of four main parts, including (1) the participants' demographic characteristics (i.e., age, marital status, and education for patients and age, gender, work experience, work experience in lymphedema clinic, and specialist field for experts), (2) 14 and 21 administrative and clinical information, (3) 19 items about lifestyle educational needs, and (4) 35 items concerning the functions (i.e., drug use, nutrition, communication, exercise, smoking cessation, and test time reminder) for participants (patients and experts). At the end of each main section, an open-ended question was considered so that participants could add their suggested data elements other than those in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was composed of three columns with ‘‘necessary’' and ‘‘unnecessary’' in front of each data element. The participants were asked to determine the necessity of the data elements and functions proposed in the app.
The content validity of the questionnaires was evaluated by six experts, including three PhD holders in health information management and three PhD holders in medical informatics. The criteria for selecting experts at this step included knowledge and experience in designing self-care management applications and publishing at least one scientific article in this area. The Kuder and Richardson Eq. 20 (KR20) was used to estimate the reliability of the questionnaires. Cronbach's α coefficients were 0.72 and 0.74 for the patients and experts' questionnaires, respectively.
Purposive sampling was used to select 30 experts (i.e., six vascular surgery specialists, five breast surgery specialists, six gynecologists, six oncologists, six physiotherapists, and a psychologist).The criterion for the selection of experts was knowledge and experience about lymphedema. Convenience sampling was used to select 30 patients with BCRL presenting to two teaching hospitals (i.e., Rasul-e Akram and Firoozgar) affiliated with Iran University of Medical Sciences. The criterion for the selection of patients was a positive history of breast cancer. The criterion for the acceptance of data elements in the app was set by the researchers, so that if 75% or more of the participants (patients and experts) on average considered an item as necessary, the item was included in the app.
Stage 2: Design and Translation of Pre-development Output into an Android-Based Mobile Application
In this stage, the conceptual modal of the app was designed by drawing unified modeling language (UML) diagrams. Microsoft Visio ver. 2019 was used for illustrating UML diagrams. Then, the mobile app was designed and programmed using the Android Studio environment and Java programming language for Android devices. SQLite was used to design the application database. The main menus of the BCRL self-care app consist of four demographic information, clinical information, system functions, and life style sections ([Fig. 1]). In the patient demographic information section, the users enter their demographic data (i.e., patients' name, family name, age, sex, education, employment status, height, weight, attending physician name and surname, etc.). The clinical data section of the application includes 21 data, such as history, symptoms, duration, and severity of the disease, drugs used, drug sensitivities, medical procedures (including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy), the number and type of surgical procedures performed, type of lymph node inflammation, number of involved lymph nodes, number of lymph nodes removed, the average change in arm volume, and midwifery care and recommendations ([Table 1]).

The lifestyle section contains self-care recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, smoking, stress, ways to prevent and control lymphedema, post-surgical care, health tips for lymphedema, how to use lymphedema drugs, possible complications of lymphedema drugs, importance of regular use of drugs, expression of drug interactions, and necessary actions when forgetting to use medications ([Table 2]). The application includes the following six functions ([Fig. 2]).

Drug use management: The patients can enter the names of the drugs and their dosage, the number of drugs provided, the start and end dates of the period of use, the side effects of the drugs, and a reminder for drug use. The patients can enter their daily consumption until the end of the treatment period and then complete the treatment period through the option “finish consumption and calculate the forgotten number” to see the number of forgotten drugs.
Nutrition management: This function consists of two subfunctions. The calorie calculation subfunction enables the patients to estimate the required daily calorie by entering the gender, age, height, and weight and selecting the amount of daily activity. In the food management subfunction, the patients can enter the days of the week they are on a diet and then select their daily food consumption from a list of available foods as well as its amount using appropriate units (grams, number, and glasses). The application then displays the daily calorie intake in general and also the calorie intake for each food per 100 g, the number of calories consumed, and the amount of consumption of each food selected by the user separately so that the patients can compare their calorie intake with the number of calories they need.
Smoking cessation management: This function comprises two subfunctions. Logging into the cessation planning subfunction enables the users to enter the number of cigarettes smoked per day, price of each cigarette, duration of smoking in years, and the desired target in terms of the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Besides, logging into the cessation management section allows the patients to enter the name of each month after which the list of that month is shown and the purpose for each day is displayed in this section; hence, the patients can select the number of cigarettes they smoke per day and compare their use with the target number.
Exercise management: This function consists of four subfunctions. In the starting exercise section, sports movements are divided into three categories: stretching movements of BCRL, movements after breast surgery, and yoga moves. By logging into each of these sections, the patients can view a list of their movements. Then, they can select different movements by clicking on its image. Moreover, they can activate a 3-minute timer by selecting the start option at the bottom of the screen. In the daily exercise time section, the patients can enter the duration of their exercise on a daily basis in hours and minutes. In the daily activity chart section, the patients can view the daily activity chart of the week separately for each day and the duration of exercise by selecting the desired week. Furthermore, in the daily reminder section, the users can activate the daily exercise reminder by selecting the exercise reminder time in hours and minutes and activating the daily reminder option.
Communication/contact: This function includes four subfunctions. In contact with the doctor section, the patients can search the name of the desired doctor. In the patient contact section, the users can view and search the patients' names along with their contact numbers. In communication with the pain clinic section, a list of pain clinics located in Tehran city along with their addresses and telephone are available which can be used by patients to contact them if necessary. In the reminder for appointment with the doctor section, the patients can record a new reminder by selecting the date, time, and name of the doctor.
Test time reminder: In this function, the patients can record a new reminder by selecting the date and name of the test.
Stage 3: Usability Testing of Application
In this stage, 30 patients with a history of lymphedema presenting to the Lymphedema Clinic of Motamed Cancer Institute, Tehran, Iran were selected through convenience sampling to assess the usability of the application. This center is a referral clinic and accepts patients from other provinces of Iran.[52]
The participants were individually contacted and provided with information about the app and the ultimate aim of its development. Informed consent was obtained from all patients prior to participation in the study. Since the app was developed only on an Android platform, the main criterion for patients entering this stage was access to phones with the Android operating system. Then, the application along with its installation guide was sent to the participant's mobile phones. After confirming the successful installation of the application, they were asked to use the application for 2 weeks. To ensure that the patients use the application, a daily message with the content “please use the application” was sent to them and they were asked to give feedback on their daily use of the application.
The usability of the app and the users' satisfaction with the interface were evaluated using QUIS Version 7 developed by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers in the Human–Computer Interaction Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College Park. Due to the translation of the original questionnaire into Persian language, we re-evaluated the validity and reliability of the Persian version. The questionnaire consists of two main parts: (1) The users' demographic characteristics (i.e., age and education level) and (2) 32 questions divided into six factors including overall reaction to software (n = 6), screen design and layout (n = 4), terminology and system information (n = 6), learning (n = 6), system capabilities (n = 5), and usability and user interface (n = 5). The Part B of the questionnaire was scored on a 10-point scale from zero to nine. After calculating the mean score of the measured factors, the following divisions were used to evaluate the level of the users' satisfaction. A mean score of 6.1 (out of nine) or higher indicated a good level of satisfaction. Besides, a mean score of 3.1 to 6 showed average satisfaction, and a mean score of 3 or lower indicated a weak level of satisfaction.
Statistical Analysis
The SPSS for Windows ver. 22.0 was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics (number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) are used to present general characteristics (e.g., age, education level, occupation, and work experience, etc.) as well as the usability responses of experts and patients.
Predevelopment Stage Findings Participants' Demographics
The experts participating in the needs assessment phase included 30 experts with experience in the lymphedema department. Fifty-three percent of the them were male and the rest were female. Half of the experts were over 50 years old and had more than 25 years of work experience. The majority of them (70%) had more than 5 years of experience in the field of lymphedema. The highest frequency of experts was related to specialists of vascular surgery, gynecologists, oncologists, and physiotherapists (20% each) followed by breast surgery specialists (17%) and psychologists (3%). The patients participating in this stage included 30 women with lymphedema after treatment for breast cancer. More than half of them had a high school diploma or lower degrees (53%) followed by associate degree (30%) and bachelor's degree (10%). Only 7% of the patients had a master's degree or higher. Furthermore, the highest frequency of age range was related to the age group 50 to 59 years (53%) followed by 60 to 69 (27%) and 40 to 49 (13%) years. Only 7% of the patients were 30 to 39 years old.
The participants identified nine administrative data elements as necessary and five data elements as unnecessary (i.e., patient's employment status, number of children, address, being head of household, and name and surname of attending physician). Besides, they recognized all of the 21 clinical data elements as necessary. No new data elements were proposed by the participants ([Table 1]).
All lifestyle educational needs were recognized as necessary from the participants' perspective ([Table 2]).
According to [Table 3], the participants identified one function as unnecessary (i.e., send hopeful and reassuring sentences as a message to the patient's cell phone). Besides, the participants suggested one new function (i.e., introducing different types of diets). The necessity of the data element was inquired from all participants, of whom more than 75% considered it as necessary.
Development and Implementation of Phase Findings
The application was developed in the Android software platform. The app menus were divided into four main parts, including demographic information, clinical information, lifestyle, and system functions ([Fig. 1]).
The app consists of six functions of drug use management, nutrition management, exercise management, smoking cessation management, and test time reminder ([Fig. 2]). Besides, pilot implementation of the developed app was done at this stage. Participants were asked to install the application on their cell phones. The patients were required to use the application for 2 weeks from September 1 to 14, 2020.
Usability Testing Findings
All participants completed the questionnaires at this stage of study. The highest mean scores of the app usability were achieved in “screen design and layout” and “system capabilities” areas with 8.5 ± 0.56 and 8.5 ± 0.55, respectively. Moreover, the lowest mean score was founded in the terminology and system information area with 7.61 ± 1.16. However, all mean usability evaluation scores of the assessed areas were between 6 and 9, which indicates that the usability of the application was evaluated at a good level from the patients' perspective ([Table 4]). However, the patients were less satisfied with the terminology and information of the system compared with other evaluated areas, which should be taken into consideration. In this regard, considering the two components “program messages to complete user tasks” and “screen message to record necessary data” because of obtaining a lower average score from the patients' point of view compared with the other four components of this area, seems necessary.
Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.
Note: All questions were scored in a range of 0 to 9.
The BCRL app was developed based on two main stages and its usability was evaluated by the patients. In the first stage, using a literature review and needs assessment survey from experts and the patients, the content and functions of the app were determined. In the second stage, design and translation of pre-development output into an android-based mobile application was done. In the third stage, the usability of the app was evaluated from the patient's perspective.
Management of the QOL of patients with lymphedema, as a chronic progressive debilitating condition, following breast cancer plays a key role in managing care and reducing its consequences,[14] which can improve the clinical outcomes and QOL of the patients.[53] In the designed application, lifestyle, diet, smoking, exercise, and daily activities management functions enable patients to promote self-care management, which leads to improved care management and QOL. Similar to our findings, Temur and Kapucu[24] revealed that exercise and massage activities through a self-care program have a positive effect on preventing the progression of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment. Furthermore, the sections of the designed app in our study were similar to the functions in the study by Taheri et al[54] for the self-care of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and contained clinical information, lifestyle, and medication reminders sections.
Shahsavari et al[55] found that self-care educational programs improved the QOL of breast cancer patients. In addition, Temur and Kapucu.[24] showed that 61% of the patients with lymphedema who did not receive the necessary self-care training experienced disease progression, and patients who received training had higher QOL and fewer symptoms, which indicate the educational needs of the patients and the importance of self-care education. The present study answered many educational needs related to physical and mental self-care. Patient education is one of the most effective principles for the management of BCRL.[14] Educating patients by health care professionals can increase the effectiveness of self-care management[56] [57] and decrease the economic, social, and psychological consequences of BCRL.[58] Patient education function included in the developed application empowers the patients to perform exercise and daily activities and control the BCRL symptoms. Functions of our developed app are relatively similar to the app designed by Hou et al,[21] which has treatment, physical activity, diet, emotional support, health records, social resources, experience sharing, and expert consultation sections.
Ostby and Armer[59] found that complex congestive therapy, symptom burden, right time for treatment, and lack of patient education and support could seriously affect their self-management of BCRL condition. The drug management functionality of the designed application encourages the patients to adhere to the drug consumption and thus reduces the burden of psychological and physiological symptoms of BCRL.
The results of a study conducted by Luz et al[60] showed that strengthening exercise can be performed by patients with lymphedema without worry or risk of increased upper limb volume. In the self-care application of BCRL, some exercises are also presented as training examples, which help the patients through providing examples and reminding them of performing the exercises. Shaw et al[61] compared the effectiveness of two types of dietary interventions on arm volume in patients with lymphedema after breast cancer treatment and found that weight loss by any method could be useful in treating lymphedema associated with breast cancer. The developed application also included nutrition tips and tutorials and diet planning. Thus, the application has the potential to relieve the symptoms of the BCRL condition. Similar to the app designed by Lozano-Lozano et al,[50] which focused on monitoring healthy lifestyles in cancer survivors based on the two functions of diet and physical activity, the app designed in the present study also has nutrition management and exercise management functions which can lead to a healthier lifestyle for patients and prevent the progression of disease symptoms. However, the app designed in our study has more functions than the app designed by Lozano-Lozano et al. This difference can be explained through the purpose of designing apps in these studies.
Fu et al.[15] found that mobile-based systems have the potential to manage the pain and symptoms associated with lymphedema. The results of the present study revealed that the patients considered the app as a valuable and satisfactory tool for supporting self-care management of BCRL. However, complete evaluation of the effectiveness of app in the self-care management of BCRL symptoms requires the implementation of the app in a wider community of patients over a longer time.
Usability evaluation showed that the application was good from the patients' perspective. Our findings were in line with previous studies that have been conducted on the design and development of breast cancer-related self-care management applications.[15] [46] [54] [62] Adopting a socio-technical approach could increase the usability and acceptance of mhealth applications because a techno-centric factor without consideration of socio-technical factors could negatively affect users' engagement.[47] [63] Considering human factors in the designing of health information technology (IT) can help understand the needs of stakeholders and design health IT interfaces that are customized to their needs and therefore play a pivotal role in the more usable and safer health IT.[41] [63] [64] [65] [66] Furthermore, the ergonomic factor in the design of mobile-based applications also has a vital influence on the practical convenience of use and acceptance of applications by users.[63] [67]
Study Limitations
Lymphedema can develop following treatment for several cancers such as breast, head and neck, and female genital cancers. This study focused solely on designing an application to manage the symptoms associated with breast cancer-related lymphedema. Thus, the findings can be generalizable only to the target community. The lack of comparison between the designed app and the applications available in the Play Store and the App Store is one of the other limitations of this study because if there is such a comparison, it could help to improve the usefulness of the designed app. In addition, in this study, application usability evaluation was performed by a limited number of patients. It is suggested that the usability of the application be evaluated in a larger sample of patients with BCRL so that a more comprehensive and accurate judgment can be made about its usability.
The BCRL app provides educational, nutritional, drug use, exercise management, and lifestyle functions for patients with BCRL and has the potential to improve patients' lifestyle, education, symptom management, and the continuation of self-care and treatment measures, access to information to enhance self-care management and promote the QOL of Iranian patients with BCRL. The mobile app was found to be appropriate in terms of the overall reactions to the app, screen design and layout, terminology and system information, learning, app capabilities, and usability and user interface from the end users' (patients') perspective. It is suggested that further studies be performed to confirm the effectiveness and identify the clinical significance of the app.
Clinical Relevance Statement
Breast cancer is the most common life-threatening cancer in females with increasing incidence and mortality worldwide. Lymphedema is one of the most common side effects of breast cancer treatment. Mobile-based self-care management applications make it possible to perform routine assessments and effective interventions that are key to self-care to improve the management of lymphedema symptoms. The developed mobile app for BCRL in Iran is recognized as an appropriate tool for improving the patients' lifestyle and education and self-management of BCRL symptoms according to its usability evaluation from the patients' perspective.
Multiple Choice Questions
Which of the following users is the main user of BCRL application?
Patients' family.
Correct Answer: The correct answer is option a. The main users of the BCRL application are patients with BCRL condition.
What is the main application of the BCRL application?
Communication with caregivers.
Perform sports movements.
Weight control.
Self-care management.
Correct Answer: The correct answer is option d. The main purpose of development of the BCRL application is self-care management in patients with BCRL condition.
Application of BCRL is designed to manage the symptoms of which of the following cancers?
Lung cancer.
Lymph node cancer.
Breast cancer.
Skin cancer.
Correct Answer: The correct answer is option c. The BCRL application was designed to improve the management of lymphedema symptoms of breast cancer treatment.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
The authors wish to thank all experts and patients who participated in this study for sharing their valuable experiences.
Protection of Human and Animal Subjects
The present study was reviewed and approved by Ethics Committee of Iran University of Medical Sciences (ethical code: IR.IUMS.REC.1399.046). All participants provided written informed consent for this study. Research Ethics Committees Certificate available from:
Author Contributions
M.A. and S.N.Sh. conceived the study. J.A. and S.N.Sh. wrote the first and final draft of the manuscript. M.A. and M.Kh. contributed substantially to the manuscript. All authors participated in the design of the study, revised the manuscript critically for intellectual content, and have read and approved the final manuscript.
Availability of Data and Materials
The data used and analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to Iran University of Medical Sciences policy but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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- 25 Harder H, Holroyd P, Burkinshaw L. et al. A user-centred approach to developing bWell, a mobile app for arm and shoulder exercises after breast cancer treatment. J Cancer Surviv 2017; 11 (06) 732-742
- 26 Carter J, Sandall J, Shennan AH, Tribe RM. Mobile phone apps for clinical decision support in pregnancy: a scoping review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2019; 19 (01) 219
- 27 Islam MN, Karim MM, Inan TT, Islam AKMN. Investigating usability of mobile health applications in Bangladesh. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2020; 20 (01) 19
- 28 Hendriks JML, Gallagher C, Astley C, Linz D, Gallagher RW. Heart and vasculature. Int J Cardiol 2019; 24: 100410
- 29 Xie Z, Nacioglu A, Or C. Prevalence, demographic correlates, and perceived impacts of mobile health app use amongst Chinese adults: cross-sectional survey study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018; 6 (04) e103
- 30 Lupton D. The digitally engaged patient: self-monitoring and self-care in the digital health era. Soc Theory Health 2013; 11 (03) 256-270
- 31 Wang W, Chan S, He HG. Developing and testing a mobile application programme to support self-management in patients with stable angina: a feasibility study protocol. Stud Health Technol Inform 2014; 201: 241-248
- 32 Karimpour M, Parsaei H, Rojhani-Shirazi Z, Sharifian R, Yazdani F. An android application for estimating muscle onset latency using surface EMG signal. J Biomed Phys Eng 2019; 9 (02) 243-250
- 33 Smarr KL, Musser DR, Shigaki CL, Johnson R, Hanson KD, Siva C. Online self-management in rheumatoid arthritis: a patient-centered model application. Telemed J E Health 2011; 17 (02) 104-110
- 34 Ravn Jakobsen P, Hermann AP, Søndergaard J, Wiil UK, Clemensen J. Development of an mHealth application for women newly diagnosed with osteoporosis without preceding fractures: a participatory design approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018; 15 (02) E330
- 35 Wong RSM, Yu EYT, Wong TW. et al. Development and pilot evaluation of a mobile app on parent-child exercises to improve physical activity and psychosocial outcomes of Hong Kong Chinese children. BMC Public Health 2020; 20 (01) 1544
- 36 Parmanto B, Pramana G, Yu DX, Fairman AD, Dicianno BE, McCue MP. iMHere: a novel mHealth system for supporting self-care in management of complex and chronic conditions. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2013; 1 (02) e10
- 37 Fu MR, Axelrod D, Guth AA. et al. Proactive approach to lymphedema risk reduction: a prospective study. Ann Surg Oncol 2014; 21 (11) 3481-3489
- 38 Fu MR, Chen CM, Haber J, Guth AA, Axelrod D. The effect of providing information about lymphedema on the cognitive and symptom outcomes of breast cancer survivors. Ann Surg Oncol 2010; 17 (07) 1847-1853
- 39 Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Kidd N. Breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema self-care: education, practices, symptoms, and quality of life. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19 (05) 631-637
- 40 Cheung DST, Or CKL, So MKP, Tiwari A. Usability testing of a smartphone application for delivering qigong training. J Med Syst 2018; 42 (10) 191
- 41 Militello LG, Diiulio JB, Borders MR. et al. Evaluating a modular decision support application for colorectal cancer screening. Appl Clin Inform 2017; 8 (01) 162-179
- 42 Salimian N, Ehteshami A, Ashouri-Talouki M. Developing Ghasedak: a mobile application to improve the quality of cancer palliative care. Acta Inform Med 2019; 27 (01) 19-22
- 43 Ghanbari E, Yektatalab S, Mehrabi M. Effects of psychoeducational interventions using mobile apps and mobile-based online group discussions on anxiety and self-esteem in women with breast cancer: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021; 9 (05) e19262
- 44 Ali EE, Chan SSL, Poh HY. et al. Design considerations in the development of app-based oral anticancer medication management systems: a qualitative evaluation of pharmacists' and patients' perspectives. J Med Syst 2019; 43 (03) 63
- 45 Armstrong KA, Semple JL, Coyte PC. Replacing ambulatory surgical follow-up visits with mobile app home monitoring: modeling cost-effective scenarios. J Med Internet Res 2014; 16 (09) e213
- 46 Choi J, Baker E, Nalawade S, Lee H. Steps to develop a mobile app for pain assessment of cancer patients: a usability study. Comput Inform Nurs 2020; 38 (02) 80-87
- 47 Chung IY, Jung M, Lee SB. et al. An assessment of physical activity data collected via a smartphone app and a smart band in breast cancer survivors: observational study. J Med Internet Res 2019; 21 (09) 13463
- 48 Economou D, Dwek M, Roberston C. et al , eds. PhytoCloud: A Gamified Mobile Web Application to Modulate Diet and Physical Activity of Women with Breast Cancer. Proceedings – IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems; 2017
- 49 Greer JA, Jacobs JM, Pensak N. et al. Randomized trial of a smartphone mobile app to improve symptoms and adherence to oral therapy for cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2020; 18 (02) 133-141
- 50 Lozano-Lozano M, Moral-Munoz JA, Galiano-Castillo N. et al. Designing beneca m-Health APP, a Mobile Health Application to Monitor Diet and Physical Activity in Cancer Survivors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 2017: 63-70
- 51 Xu CS, Anderson B, Armer J, Shyu CR. eds. Improving disease management through a mobile application for lymphedema patients. Paper presented at: 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, Healthcom 2012; 2012
- 52 Dorri S, Olfatbakhsh A, Asadi F. Informational needs in patients with breast cancer with lymphedema: is it important?. Breast Cancer (Auckl) 2020; 14: 1178223420911033
- 53 Nahum JL, Fu MR, Scagliola J. et al. Real-time electronic patient evaluation of lymphedema symptoms, referral, and satisfaction: a cross-sectional study. mHealth 2021; 7: 20
- 54 Sheikh Taheri A, Norouzi E, Sadoughi F. Developing a mobile-based self-care application for patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. J Health Administration 2019; 22 (04) 35-49
- 55 Shahsavari H, Matory P, Zare Z, Taleghani F, Kaji MA. Effect of self-care education on the quality of life in patients with breast cancer. J Educ Health Promot 2015; 4 (01) 70
- 56 Deveci Z, Karayurt Ö, Eyigör S. Self-care practices, patient education in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil 2021; 67 (02) 187-195
- 57 Nassif TM, Brunelle CL, Gillespie TC. et al. Breast cancer-related lymphedema: a review of risk factors, radiation therapy contribution, and management strategies. Curr Breast Cancer Rep 2020; 12 (04) 305-316
- 58 Eaton LH, Narkthong N, Hulett JM. Psychosocial issues associated with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a literature review. Curr Breast Cancer Rep 2020; 12 (04) 216-224
- 59 Ostby PL, Armer JM. Complexities of adherence and post-cancer lymphedema management. J Pers Med 2015; 5 (04) 370-388
- 60 Luz RPC, Simao Haddad CA, Rizzi SKLA, Elias S, Nazario ACP, Facina G. Complex therapy physical alone or associated with strengthening exercises in patients with lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: a controlled clinical trial. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2018; 19 (05) 1405-1410
- 61 Shaw C, Mortimer P, Judd PA. Randomized controlled trial comparing a low-fat diet with a weight-reduction diet in breast cancer-related lymphedema. Cancer 2007; 109 (10) 1949-1956
- 62 Rezaee R, Asadi S, Yazdani A, Rezvani A, Kazeroon AM. Development, usability and quality evaluation of the resilient mobile application for women with breast cancer. Health Sci Rep 2022; 5 (04) e708
- 63 Karsh B, Holden RJ, Or CK. Human Factors and Ergonomics of Health Information Technology Implementation. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety, 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2011: 249-264
- 64 Carayon P, Hoonakker P. Human factors and usability for health information technology: old and new challenges. Yearb Med Inform 2019; 28 (01) 71-77
- 65 Alipour J, Mehdipour Y, Karimi A. Factors affecting acceptance of hospital information systems in public hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences: a cross-sectional study. J Med Life 2019; 12 (04) 403-410
- 66 Hosseini Teshnizi S, Hayavi Haghighi MH, Alipour J. Evaluation of health information systems with ISO 9241–10 standard: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Inform Med Unlocked 2021; 25: 100639
- 67 Aromatario O, Van Hoye A, Vuillemin A. et al. How do mobile health applications support behaviour changes? A scoping review of mobile health applications relating to physical activity and eating behaviours. Public Health 2019; 175: 8-18
Address for correspondence
Publication History
Received: 06 June 2022
Accepted: 20 August 2022
Article published online:
05 October 2022
© 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
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- 15 Fu MR, Axelrod D, Guth AA. et al. Usability and feasibility of health IT interventions to enhance self-care for lymphedema symptom management in breast cancer survivors. Internet Interv 2016; 5: 56-64
- 16 Mobarakeh ZS, Mokhtari-Hesari P, Lotfi-Tokaldany M, Montazeri A, Heidari M, Zekri F. Combined decongestive therapy and reduction of pain and heaviness in patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema. Support Care Cancer 2019; 27 (10) 3805-3811
- 17 Baumann FT, Reike A, Reimer V. et al. Effects of physical exercise on breast cancer-related secondary lymphedema: a systematic review. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2018; 170 (01) 1-13
- 18 Jaarsma T, Cameron J, Riegel B, Stromberg A. Factors related to self-care in heart failure patients according to the middle-range theory of self-care of chronic illness: a literature update. Curr Heart Fail Rep 2017; 14 (02) 71-77
- 19 Farzandipour M, Nabovati E, Heidarzadeh Arani M, Akbari H, Sharif R, Anvari S. Enhancing asthma patients' self-management through smartphone-based application: design, usability evaluation, and educational intervention. Appl Clin Inform 2019; 10 (05) 870-878
- 20 Kim SH, Park S, Kim SJ, Hur MH, Lee BG, Han MS. Self-management needs of breast cancer survivors after treatment: results from a focus group interview. Cancer Nurs 2020; 43 (01) 78-85
- 21 Hou IC, Lan MF, Shen SH. et al. The development of a mobile health app for breast cancer self-management support in Taiwan: design thinking approach. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020; 8 (04) e15780
- 22 Berry DL, Blonquist TM, Nayak MM, Grenon N, Momani TG, McCleary NJ. Self-care support for patients with gastrointestinal cancer: iCancerHealth. Appl Clin Inform 2018; 9 (04) 833-840
- 23 Alcorso J, Sherman KA, Koelmeyer L, Mackie H, Boyages J. Psychosocial factors associated with adherence for self-management behaviors in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema. Support Care Cancer 2016; 24 (01) 139-146
- 24 Temur K, Kapucu S. The effectiveness of lymphedema self-management in the prevention of breast cancer-related lymphedema and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2019; 40: 22-35
- 25 Harder H, Holroyd P, Burkinshaw L. et al. A user-centred approach to developing bWell, a mobile app for arm and shoulder exercises after breast cancer treatment. J Cancer Surviv 2017; 11 (06) 732-742
- 26 Carter J, Sandall J, Shennan AH, Tribe RM. Mobile phone apps for clinical decision support in pregnancy: a scoping review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2019; 19 (01) 219
- 27 Islam MN, Karim MM, Inan TT, Islam AKMN. Investigating usability of mobile health applications in Bangladesh. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2020; 20 (01) 19
- 28 Hendriks JML, Gallagher C, Astley C, Linz D, Gallagher RW. Heart and vasculature. Int J Cardiol 2019; 24: 100410
- 29 Xie Z, Nacioglu A, Or C. Prevalence, demographic correlates, and perceived impacts of mobile health app use amongst Chinese adults: cross-sectional survey study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018; 6 (04) e103
- 30 Lupton D. The digitally engaged patient: self-monitoring and self-care in the digital health era. Soc Theory Health 2013; 11 (03) 256-270
- 31 Wang W, Chan S, He HG. Developing and testing a mobile application programme to support self-management in patients with stable angina: a feasibility study protocol. Stud Health Technol Inform 2014; 201: 241-248
- 32 Karimpour M, Parsaei H, Rojhani-Shirazi Z, Sharifian R, Yazdani F. An android application for estimating muscle onset latency using surface EMG signal. J Biomed Phys Eng 2019; 9 (02) 243-250
- 33 Smarr KL, Musser DR, Shigaki CL, Johnson R, Hanson KD, Siva C. Online self-management in rheumatoid arthritis: a patient-centered model application. Telemed J E Health 2011; 17 (02) 104-110
- 34 Ravn Jakobsen P, Hermann AP, Søndergaard J, Wiil UK, Clemensen J. Development of an mHealth application for women newly diagnosed with osteoporosis without preceding fractures: a participatory design approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018; 15 (02) E330
- 35 Wong RSM, Yu EYT, Wong TW. et al. Development and pilot evaluation of a mobile app on parent-child exercises to improve physical activity and psychosocial outcomes of Hong Kong Chinese children. BMC Public Health 2020; 20 (01) 1544
- 36 Parmanto B, Pramana G, Yu DX, Fairman AD, Dicianno BE, McCue MP. iMHere: a novel mHealth system for supporting self-care in management of complex and chronic conditions. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2013; 1 (02) e10
- 37 Fu MR, Axelrod D, Guth AA. et al. Proactive approach to lymphedema risk reduction: a prospective study. Ann Surg Oncol 2014; 21 (11) 3481-3489
- 38 Fu MR, Chen CM, Haber J, Guth AA, Axelrod D. The effect of providing information about lymphedema on the cognitive and symptom outcomes of breast cancer survivors. Ann Surg Oncol 2010; 17 (07) 1847-1853
- 39 Ridner SH, Dietrich MS, Kidd N. Breast cancer treatment-related lymphedema self-care: education, practices, symptoms, and quality of life. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19 (05) 631-637
- 40 Cheung DST, Or CKL, So MKP, Tiwari A. Usability testing of a smartphone application for delivering qigong training. J Med Syst 2018; 42 (10) 191
- 41 Militello LG, Diiulio JB, Borders MR. et al. Evaluating a modular decision support application for colorectal cancer screening. Appl Clin Inform 2017; 8 (01) 162-179
- 42 Salimian N, Ehteshami A, Ashouri-Talouki M. Developing Ghasedak: a mobile application to improve the quality of cancer palliative care. Acta Inform Med 2019; 27 (01) 19-22
- 43 Ghanbari E, Yektatalab S, Mehrabi M. Effects of psychoeducational interventions using mobile apps and mobile-based online group discussions on anxiety and self-esteem in women with breast cancer: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021; 9 (05) e19262
- 44 Ali EE, Chan SSL, Poh HY. et al. Design considerations in the development of app-based oral anticancer medication management systems: a qualitative evaluation of pharmacists' and patients' perspectives. J Med Syst 2019; 43 (03) 63
- 45 Armstrong KA, Semple JL, Coyte PC. Replacing ambulatory surgical follow-up visits with mobile app home monitoring: modeling cost-effective scenarios. J Med Internet Res 2014; 16 (09) e213
- 46 Choi J, Baker E, Nalawade S, Lee H. Steps to develop a mobile app for pain assessment of cancer patients: a usability study. Comput Inform Nurs 2020; 38 (02) 80-87
- 47 Chung IY, Jung M, Lee SB. et al. An assessment of physical activity data collected via a smartphone app and a smart band in breast cancer survivors: observational study. J Med Internet Res 2019; 21 (09) 13463
- 48 Economou D, Dwek M, Roberston C. et al , eds. PhytoCloud: A Gamified Mobile Web Application to Modulate Diet and Physical Activity of Women with Breast Cancer. Proceedings – IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems; 2017
- 49 Greer JA, Jacobs JM, Pensak N. et al. Randomized trial of a smartphone mobile app to improve symptoms and adherence to oral therapy for cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2020; 18 (02) 133-141
- 50 Lozano-Lozano M, Moral-Munoz JA, Galiano-Castillo N. et al. Designing beneca m-Health APP, a Mobile Health Application to Monitor Diet and Physical Activity in Cancer Survivors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 2017: 63-70
- 51 Xu CS, Anderson B, Armer J, Shyu CR. eds. Improving disease management through a mobile application for lymphedema patients. Paper presented at: 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, Healthcom 2012; 2012
- 52 Dorri S, Olfatbakhsh A, Asadi F. Informational needs in patients with breast cancer with lymphedema: is it important?. Breast Cancer (Auckl) 2020; 14: 1178223420911033
- 53 Nahum JL, Fu MR, Scagliola J. et al. Real-time electronic patient evaluation of lymphedema symptoms, referral, and satisfaction: a cross-sectional study. mHealth 2021; 7: 20
- 54 Sheikh Taheri A, Norouzi E, Sadoughi F. Developing a mobile-based self-care application for patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. J Health Administration 2019; 22 (04) 35-49
- 55 Shahsavari H, Matory P, Zare Z, Taleghani F, Kaji MA. Effect of self-care education on the quality of life in patients with breast cancer. J Educ Health Promot 2015; 4 (01) 70
- 56 Deveci Z, Karayurt Ö, Eyigör S. Self-care practices, patient education in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil 2021; 67 (02) 187-195
- 57 Nassif TM, Brunelle CL, Gillespie TC. et al. Breast cancer-related lymphedema: a review of risk factors, radiation therapy contribution, and management strategies. Curr Breast Cancer Rep 2020; 12 (04) 305-316
- 58 Eaton LH, Narkthong N, Hulett JM. Psychosocial issues associated with breast cancer-related lymphedema: a literature review. Curr Breast Cancer Rep 2020; 12 (04) 216-224
- 59 Ostby PL, Armer JM. Complexities of adherence and post-cancer lymphedema management. J Pers Med 2015; 5 (04) 370-388
- 60 Luz RPC, Simao Haddad CA, Rizzi SKLA, Elias S, Nazario ACP, Facina G. Complex therapy physical alone or associated with strengthening exercises in patients with lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: a controlled clinical trial. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2018; 19 (05) 1405-1410
- 61 Shaw C, Mortimer P, Judd PA. Randomized controlled trial comparing a low-fat diet with a weight-reduction diet in breast cancer-related lymphedema. Cancer 2007; 109 (10) 1949-1956
- 62 Rezaee R, Asadi S, Yazdani A, Rezvani A, Kazeroon AM. Development, usability and quality evaluation of the resilient mobile application for women with breast cancer. Health Sci Rep 2022; 5 (04) e708
- 63 Karsh B, Holden RJ, Or CK. Human Factors and Ergonomics of Health Information Technology Implementation. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care and Patient Safety, 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2011: 249-264
- 64 Carayon P, Hoonakker P. Human factors and usability for health information technology: old and new challenges. Yearb Med Inform 2019; 28 (01) 71-77
- 65 Alipour J, Mehdipour Y, Karimi A. Factors affecting acceptance of hospital information systems in public hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences: a cross-sectional study. J Med Life 2019; 12 (04) 403-410
- 66 Hosseini Teshnizi S, Hayavi Haghighi MH, Alipour J. Evaluation of health information systems with ISO 9241–10 standard: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Inform Med Unlocked 2021; 25: 100639
- 67 Aromatario O, Van Hoye A, Vuillemin A. et al. How do mobile health applications support behaviour changes? A scoping review of mobile health applications relating to physical activity and eating behaviours. Public Health 2019; 175: 8-18