Ultraschall Med 2016; 37(06): 642
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-122863
EFSUMB Newsletter
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

EFSUMB Fellows

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15. Dezember 2016 (online)


At the Board of Delegates Meeting at EUROSON 2016 the following EFSUMB members were approved as Fellows for their substantial contribution to the field of ultrasound over a prolonged period:

Svein Ødegaard, Norway, Klaas Bom, The Netherlands, Lorenzo Derchi, Italy and Diana Gaitini, Israel

EFSUMB Best Published Paper Prize

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Gitto Salvatore

The winner of the best published paper prize of 500 € submitted in the last 2 years was awarded to Gitto Salvatore, Italy for the paper ‘Normal Sonographic Anatomy of the Wrist with Emphasis on Assessment of Tendons, Nerves, and Ligaments’ published in J Ultrasound Med 2016; 35:e15–e28


Winners of the EFSUMB Young Investigator Award at EUROSON 2016

Best technical presentation

Emiel van Disseldorp – The Netherlands

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Left to right: Annabianca Amoruso (IT), Belinda Gorell (UK), Anesa Mulabecirovic (NO), Emiel van Disseldorp (NL), Vito Cantisani (Chair), Michael Bachmann Nielsen (Chair), Malene R Pedersen (DK), Ruxandra Mare (RO), Gokce Akgunduz (TR) and Kaloyan Pavlov (BG). Not in the photograph Antanas Budėnas (LT)

Patient-Specific Mechanical Characterization of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms using 4D Ultrasound


Best clinical presentation

Anesa Mulabecirovic – Norway

In vitro quantification of tissue elasticity using three shear wave elastography platforms on liver fibrosis phantoms

Congratulations to all the nine participants for a close and exciting competition.

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Gitto Salvatore
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Left to right: Annabianca Amoruso (IT), Belinda Gorell (UK), Anesa Mulabecirovic (NO), Emiel van Disseldorp (NL), Vito Cantisani (Chair), Michael Bachmann Nielsen (Chair), Malene R Pedersen (DK), Ruxandra Mare (RO), Gokce Akgunduz (TR) and Kaloyan Pavlov (BG). Not in the photograph Antanas Budėnas (LT)