Thromb Haemost 1959; 03(02): 302-310
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654391
Übersichten — Reviews — Revues générales
Schattauer GmbH

Clotting Compass [*)]

Armand J Quick
1   Department of Biochemistry Marquette University School of Medicine Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Publication History

Publication Date:
08 June 2018 (online)



A diagram has been devised based on a battery of tests, the results of which are recorded as points on a compass. The tests employed are described. The clotting pattern of various hemorrhagic diseases are presented and discussed.




*) This work was supported by a grant (H 1612—C 12) from the National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.

  • References

  • 1 Gerendás M. The coagulogram. An aid in the evaluation of disorders in blood clotting. Therap. Hungarica 1956; 1: 3
  • 2 Quick A. J. Hemorrhagic Diseases. Lea & Febiger; Philadelphia: 1957
  • 3 Quick A. J. On the action of heparin and its relation to thromboplastin. Am. J. Physiol 1936; 115: 317
  • 4 Eagle H. Studies on blood coagulation, I. The role of prothrombin and platelets in the formation of thrombin. J. Gen. Physiol 1935; 18: 531
  • 5 Biggs R, Douglas A. S. The thromboplastin generation test. J. Clin. Path 1953; 6: 23
  • 6 Singer K, Ramot B. Pseudohemophilia type B.A.M.A. Arch. Int. Med 1956; 97: 715
  • 7 Quick A. J, Hussey C. V. Hyperheparinemia: Report of a case. Am. J. Med. Sci 1957; 234: 251
  • 8 Owren P. A. Parahaemophilia: Haemorrhagic diathesis due to absence of a previously unknown clotting factor. Lancet 1947; 1: 446
  • 9 Brink A. J, Kingsley C. S. A familial disorder of blood coagulation due to deficiency of the labile factor. Quart. J. Med., New Series 1952; 21: 19

  • References

  • 1 Gerendás M. The coagulogram. An aid in the evaluation of disorders in blood clotting. Therap. Hungarica 1956; 1: 3
  • 2 Quick A. J. Hemorrhagic Diseases. Lea & Febiger; Philadelphia: 1957
  • 3 Quick A. J. On the action of heparin and its relation to thromboplastin. Am. J. Physiol 1936; 115: 317
  • 4 Eagle H. Studies on blood coagulation, I. The role of prothrombin and platelets in the formation of thrombin. J. Gen. Physiol 1935; 18: 531
  • 5 Biggs R, Douglas A. S. The thromboplastin generation test. J. Clin. Path 1953; 6: 23
  • 6 Singer K, Ramot B. Pseudohemophilia type B.A.M.A. Arch. Int. Med 1956; 97: 715
  • 7 Quick A. J, Hussey C. V. Hyperheparinemia: Report of a case. Am. J. Med. Sci 1957; 234: 251
  • 8 Owren P. A. Parahaemophilia: Haemorrhagic diathesis due to absence of a previously unknown clotting factor. Lancet 1947; 1: 446
  • 9 Brink A. J, Kingsley C. S. A familial disorder of blood coagulation due to deficiency of the labile factor. Quart. J. Med., New Series 1952; 21: 19