Yearb Med Inform 1996; 05(01): 87-94
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638049
Review Paper
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart

Medical Images in Integrated Health Care Workstations

H-P. Meinzer
1   Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Abt. Medizinische und Biologische Informatik, Heidelberg, Germany
U. Engelmann
1   Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Abt. Medizinische und Biologische Informatik, Heidelberg, Germany
› Institutsangaben
Weitere Informationen

Address of the authors:

Dr. Hans-Peter Meinzer and
Dr. Uwe Engelmann
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Abt. Medizinische und Biologische
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.


05. März 2018 (online)



The difference between an invention and a discovery is discussed, before turning to the sources of medical images. Next, the ongoing integration of image modalities in clinical routine is reviewed, as well as improvements in diagnosis and therapy planning with the help of better images in inter-connected distributed systems. Current shortcomings of image processing, and the attempts to overcome these shortcomings are presented. Examples of image processing are given, together with a vision on future systems and procedures.



  • References

  • 1 Föising A. Als der Mensch durchsichtig wurde. SZ München. 1./2. April 1995, No. 77, Feuilleton Beilage pp. 1.
  • 2 Llaurado JG, Hasman A. (Eds). The Health Care Professional Workstation. Special Issue of lnt J Biomed Comput 1994; 34: 1-4.
  • 3 Collen MR. HIS Concepts, Goals and Objectives. In:. Biller AR, Ball MJ, Scherrer JR, Willems JL. Eds. Towards Now Hospital Information Systems.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1988
  • 4 Prokosch HU, Dudeck J. eds. Hospital Information Systems: Design and Development Characteristics; Impact and Future Architecture. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995
  • 5 Proceedings of IMIA, Working Group 10, 1988 Conference Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Towards New Hospital Information Systems. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1988
  • 6 Detmer DE, Steem EB. Countdown to 2001: The Computer-Based Patient Record. After the Institute of Medicine Report. In: van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. 1995 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. The Computer-based Patient Record.. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1995: 55-60.
  • 7 Choplin RH, Boehme JM, Maynard CD. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: An Overview. Radiograph 1992; 12: 127-9.
  • 8 Mosser H, Urban M, Hruby W. Filmless Digital Radiology - Feasibility and 20 Month Experience in Clinical Routine. In: van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. 1995 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. The Computer-based Patient Record.. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1995: 334-4.
  • 9 Osteaux M. ed. A Second Generation PACS Concept. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 1992
  • 10 Bakker AR, Osseyran A.. Fusion of P ACS and HIS Becoming a Reality. In:. Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 417-23.
  • 11 Huang HK, Taira RK, Lou SL, Wong WK. Implementation of large-scale picture archiving and communication system. Comput Med Imag Graph 1993; 17: 1-11.
  • 12 Huang HK. Three Methods of lmplementing a Picture Archiving and Communication System. Radiograph 1992; 12: 131-9.
  • 13 Allison DJ, Faulkner JJ, Glass HI, Mosley J, Reynolds RA. PACS at Hammersmith The Implementation of a Clinically Oriented System. In:. Baharona P, Veloso M, Bryant J. eds. Proceedings MIE 94. Lisbon 1994; 558-62.
  • 14 Inamura K, Takahashi T. Storage and Presentation of images. Int J Biomed Com put 1995; 39: 157-62.
  • 15 Lecki RG, Smith CS, Smith DV, Donnelly J, Cawthon M, Weiser J, Willis CE, Goeringer F. MDIS: A Large PACS and Teleradiology Project. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 4-14.
  • 16 Proceedings of the International Symposium ori HU-PACS. J Dig Imag. 1991 4. suppll.
  • 17 Mattheus R. European Integrated Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, CEC/ AIM. Com put Methods Programs Biomed 1994; 45: 65-9.
  • 18 Haufe G, Weiss H. PACS -Clinical Implementation Now, Later or Never?. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 525-7.
  • 19 Ratib O, Ligier Y, Scherrer JR. Digital Image Management and Communication in Medicine. Comput Med Imag Graph 1994; 18: 73-84.
  • 20 London JW, Morton DE, Kessler H. The Integration of Radiographic Images with other Hospital Information System Data. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology 1995.. Springer Verlag: Berlin; 1995: 168-73.
  • 21 London JW, Engelmann U, Morton DE, Meinzer HP, Degoulet P. Integration of HIS Components through Open Standards: An American HIS and a European Image Processing System. In: Safran C. ed. 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care SCAMC 1993.. New York: McGrawHill; 1993: 149-53.
  • 22 Olsen PS. Aspects of integration in HIS. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 39 S 53-7.
  • 23 Tachinardi U, Marco A, Moura L, Melo CP. Integrating Hospital Information Systems. The Challenges and Advantages of (Re-)Starting now. In:. Safran C. ed. 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in_Medical Care SCAMC. 1993. New York: McGrawHill; 1993: 84-7.
  • 24 Rienhoff O, Retter K, List E. PACS and HIS-A difficult marriage. In:. Lemke HU, Rhodes ML, Jaffee CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology.. Berlin: Springer; 1987: 493-5.
  • 25 Bakker AR. HIS, RIS and PACS. Corpput MedlmagGraph 1991; 5: 157-60.
  • 26 Takeda H., Matsumura Y, Kondo H, Taked I, Miyabe S. System Design and Implementation of HIS, RIS and PC-Based P ACS at the Osaka University Hospital. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 430-3.
  • 27 Martens FJ, Ottes FP, Toussaint PJ, Schulz C, Rechid R, van den Brock R. HIPIN, a Working HIS/RIS-PACS-Interface. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer; 1995: 395-400.
  • 28 Ottes FP, vanden Broeck R, Dicke P. etal. Design of a generic HIS-RIS/P ACS Interface based on the Radiodiagnostic Working Method. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 161-7.
  • 29 Hammond WE. The role of standards in creating a health information infrastructure. Int J Biomed Comp 1994; 34: 29-44.
  • 30 McDonald CJ. Standards re-revisited. MD Computl 1991; 8: 74-6.
  • 31 Schilders L, Segers D.. Medical EDI Message Specification and Interchange Formats. Progress in Standardization in Health Care Informatics.. In: De Moor GJE, McDonald C, Noothoven van Goor J. eds. Progress in Standardization in Healthcare Informatics.. Amsterdam: lOS Press; 1993: 149-55.
  • 32 De Moor G, Segers D, Schilders L. Towards a meta-syntax for medical ED I. Int J Biomed Comp 1994; 34: 319-330.
  • 33 American College of Radiology, National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). Rosslyn VA: NEMA Publication Sales; 1993
  • 34 Application Protocol for Electronic Exchange in Healthcare Environments, Version 2.1, HL7 1990
  • 35 EDIFACT Syntax for Interactive Applications. UNIEDIFACT.
  • 36 Fritz SL, Munjal S, Connors J, Csipo D. Implementation of a DICOM to HL 7 Gateway for RISIPACS Communication.. In Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 425-31.
  • 37 Jean FC, Engelmann U, Sauquet D, Lavril A, Schroter A, Degoulet P. The HELlOS Medical Connection Services. Comput MethodsProgramsBiomed 1994; 45: Sll7-26.
  • 38 Ratib O, Huang H.K. Desktop Image Analysis: Workstations of the Future. Clin Comput 1991; 8: 92-7.
  • 39 Schubert E, Gross W, Siderits RH, Deckenbaugh L, He F, Becich MJ. A Pathologist Designed Imaging System for Anatomic Pathology Signout, Teaching and Research. Semin Diagn Pathol 1994; 11: 263-73.
  • 40 Tombeur D, Bossuyt A, Deconinck F.. Workstation Environment for Image Processing in Nuclear Medicine. Image Vision Comput 1993; 11: 522-9.
  • 41 Hofland PL, Ottes FP, Vossepoel AM, Kroon HM, Schultze Kol U. Medical Imaging Workstation: A software Environment. Med Inform 1990; 15: 15-9.
  • 42 Huang HK, Arenson RL, Lou SL, Wong AWK, Andriole KP, Todd MB, Avrin D. Multimedia in Radiology Environment: Current Concept. Comput Med lrnag Graph 1994; 18: 1-10.
  • 43 Lowe HJ, Buchanan BG, Cooper GF, Kaplan B, Vries J. Image Engine: An Integrated Multimedia Clinical Information System. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 421-5.
  • 44 Dayhoff RE. Maloney DL, Kuzmank PM, Shepard BM. Integrating Medical Images into Hospital Information Systems. J Digit Imag 1991; 4: 87-93.
  • 45 Dayhoff R, Kuzmak PM, Kirin G. Integrated Clinical Workstations for Image and Text Data Capture, Display, and Teleconsultation. In: Ozbolt JG. ed. Transforming Information, Changing Health Care. Proceedings SCAMC 1994.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1994. 1064
  • 46 Dayhoff RE. Integration of Medical Imaginginto a Multiinstitutional Hospital Information System Structure. In: Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 407-10.
  • 47 Van Mulligen EM, Timmers T, van Bemmel JH. A New Architecture for Integration of Heterogeneous Software Components. Meth Inform Med 1993; 32: 292-301.
  • 48 Van Mulligen EM. A Flexible Approach to Client-Server Computing. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 195-9.
  • 49 Degoulet P, Jean FC, Engelmann U, Meinzer HP, Baud R, Sandblad B, Wigertz O, LeMeur R, Jagermann CA. The component- based architecture of the HELlOS medical software engineering environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1994; 45 S 1-11.
  • 50 Degoulet P, Jean FC, Engelmann U, Meinzer HP, Baud R, Jagermann C, Sandblad B, Le Meur R, Wigertz O. Medical Application Development and the HELlOS Software Engineering Environment. In:. Prokosch HU, Dudeck J. eds. Hospital lnformation Systems: Design and Development Characteristics; Impact and Future Architecture.. Amsterdam: NorthHolland; 1995: 3-15.
  • 51 Rassinoux AM, Michel PA, Juge C, Baud R, Scherrer JR.. Natural Language Processing of Medical Texts within the HELlOS Environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46 S 97-106.
  • 52 Ahlfeldt H, Shahsavar N, Gao X, Arkad K, Johansson B, Wigertz O.. Data driven medical decision support based on Arden Syntax within the HELlOS environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46 S 79-96.
  • 53 Sauquet D, Jean FC, Lemaitre D, Zapletal E, Degoulet P. The HELlOS Unification Bus: A Toolbox to Develop Client/Server Applications. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46 Sl 3-22.
  • 54 Jean FC, Engelmann U, Sauquet D, Lavril M, Schroter A, Degoulet P. The HELlOS Medical Connection Services. Comput MethodsProgramsBiomed 1995; 46: S117-26.
  • 55 Engelmann U, Schäfer M, Schräter A, G&nnel U, Demiris AM, Meinzer HP, Jean FC, Degoulet P. The Image Related Services of the HELlOS Software Engineering Environment. Comput Meth Prog Bio 1995; 46: 1-12.
  • 56 Engelmann U, Jean FC, Meinzer HP, Schroter A, Giinnel U, Demiris AM, Schafer M, Evers H, Degoulet P. Integrated Image Processing in Clinical Applications: The HELlOS Approach. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 411-5.
  • 57 Lemaitre D, Jaulent MC, Gunnel Derniris AM, Michel P A, Rassinoux MC, Goransson B, Olsson E, Degoulet P. ARTEMIS-2: An application development experiment with the HELlOS environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46: 127-38.
  • 58 Warburton RN. Digital Imaging at a Community Hospital: Implications for Hospital Stays and Teleradiology. Int J Biomed Comput 1991; 28: 169-80.
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  • 86 Boriilv E, Goransson B, Olsson E, Sandblad B. Usability and efficiency. The HELlOS approach to development of user interfaces. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1994; 45 S 47-64.

Address of the authors:

Dr. Hans-Peter Meinzer and
Dr. Uwe Engelmann
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Abt. Medizinische und Biologische
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.

  • References

  • 1 Föising A. Als der Mensch durchsichtig wurde. SZ München. 1./2. April 1995, No. 77, Feuilleton Beilage pp. 1.
  • 2 Llaurado JG, Hasman A. (Eds). The Health Care Professional Workstation. Special Issue of lnt J Biomed Comput 1994; 34: 1-4.
  • 3 Collen MR. HIS Concepts, Goals and Objectives. In:. Biller AR, Ball MJ, Scherrer JR, Willems JL. Eds. Towards Now Hospital Information Systems.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1988
  • 4 Prokosch HU, Dudeck J. eds. Hospital Information Systems: Design and Development Characteristics; Impact and Future Architecture. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995
  • 5 Proceedings of IMIA, Working Group 10, 1988 Conference Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Towards New Hospital Information Systems. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1988
  • 6 Detmer DE, Steem EB. Countdown to 2001: The Computer-Based Patient Record. After the Institute of Medicine Report. In: van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. 1995 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. The Computer-based Patient Record.. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1995: 55-60.
  • 7 Choplin RH, Boehme JM, Maynard CD. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: An Overview. Radiograph 1992; 12: 127-9.
  • 8 Mosser H, Urban M, Hruby W. Filmless Digital Radiology - Feasibility and 20 Month Experience in Clinical Routine. In: van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. 1995 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. The Computer-based Patient Record.. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1995: 334-4.
  • 9 Osteaux M. ed. A Second Generation PACS Concept. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 1992
  • 10 Bakker AR, Osseyran A.. Fusion of P ACS and HIS Becoming a Reality. In:. Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 417-23.
  • 11 Huang HK, Taira RK, Lou SL, Wong WK. Implementation of large-scale picture archiving and communication system. Comput Med Imag Graph 1993; 17: 1-11.
  • 12 Huang HK. Three Methods of lmplementing a Picture Archiving and Communication System. Radiograph 1992; 12: 131-9.
  • 13 Allison DJ, Faulkner JJ, Glass HI, Mosley J, Reynolds RA. PACS at Hammersmith The Implementation of a Clinically Oriented System. In:. Baharona P, Veloso M, Bryant J. eds. Proceedings MIE 94. Lisbon 1994; 558-62.
  • 14 Inamura K, Takahashi T. Storage and Presentation of images. Int J Biomed Com put 1995; 39: 157-62.
  • 15 Lecki RG, Smith CS, Smith DV, Donnelly J, Cawthon M, Weiser J, Willis CE, Goeringer F. MDIS: A Large PACS and Teleradiology Project. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 4-14.
  • 16 Proceedings of the International Symposium ori HU-PACS. J Dig Imag. 1991 4. suppll.
  • 17 Mattheus R. European Integrated Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, CEC/ AIM. Com put Methods Programs Biomed 1994; 45: 65-9.
  • 18 Haufe G, Weiss H. PACS -Clinical Implementation Now, Later or Never?. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 525-7.
  • 19 Ratib O, Ligier Y, Scherrer JR. Digital Image Management and Communication in Medicine. Comput Med Imag Graph 1994; 18: 73-84.
  • 20 London JW, Morton DE, Kessler H. The Integration of Radiographic Images with other Hospital Information System Data. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology 1995.. Springer Verlag: Berlin; 1995: 168-73.
  • 21 London JW, Engelmann U, Morton DE, Meinzer HP, Degoulet P. Integration of HIS Components through Open Standards: An American HIS and a European Image Processing System. In: Safran C. ed. 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care SCAMC 1993.. New York: McGrawHill; 1993: 149-53.
  • 22 Olsen PS. Aspects of integration in HIS. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 39 S 53-7.
  • 23 Tachinardi U, Marco A, Moura L, Melo CP. Integrating Hospital Information Systems. The Challenges and Advantages of (Re-)Starting now. In:. Safran C. ed. 17th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in_Medical Care SCAMC. 1993. New York: McGrawHill; 1993: 84-7.
  • 24 Rienhoff O, Retter K, List E. PACS and HIS-A difficult marriage. In:. Lemke HU, Rhodes ML, Jaffee CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology.. Berlin: Springer; 1987: 493-5.
  • 25 Bakker AR. HIS, RIS and PACS. Corpput MedlmagGraph 1991; 5: 157-60.
  • 26 Takeda H., Matsumura Y, Kondo H, Taked I, Miyabe S. System Design and Implementation of HIS, RIS and PC-Based P ACS at the Osaka University Hospital. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 430-3.
  • 27 Martens FJ, Ottes FP, Toussaint PJ, Schulz C, Rechid R, van den Brock R. HIPIN, a Working HIS/RIS-PACS-Interface. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer; 1995: 395-400.
  • 28 Ottes FP, vanden Broeck R, Dicke P. etal. Design of a generic HIS-RIS/P ACS Interface based on the Radiodiagnostic Working Method. In: Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95.. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 161-7.
  • 29 Hammond WE. The role of standards in creating a health information infrastructure. Int J Biomed Comp 1994; 34: 29-44.
  • 30 McDonald CJ. Standards re-revisited. MD Computl 1991; 8: 74-6.
  • 31 Schilders L, Segers D.. Medical EDI Message Specification and Interchange Formats. Progress in Standardization in Health Care Informatics.. In: De Moor GJE, McDonald C, Noothoven van Goor J. eds. Progress in Standardization in Healthcare Informatics.. Amsterdam: lOS Press; 1993: 149-55.
  • 32 De Moor G, Segers D, Schilders L. Towards a meta-syntax for medical ED I. Int J Biomed Comp 1994; 34: 319-330.
  • 33 American College of Radiology, National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). Rosslyn VA: NEMA Publication Sales; 1993
  • 34 Application Protocol for Electronic Exchange in Healthcare Environments, Version 2.1, HL7 1990
  • 35 EDIFACT Syntax for Interactive Applications. UNIEDIFACT.
  • 36 Fritz SL, Munjal S, Connors J, Csipo D. Implementation of a DICOM to HL 7 Gateway for RISIPACS Communication.. In Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Felix R. eds. Computer Assisted Radiology CAR 95. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1995: 425-31.
  • 37 Jean FC, Engelmann U, Sauquet D, Lavril A, Schroter A, Degoulet P. The HELlOS Medical Connection Services. Comput MethodsProgramsBiomed 1994; 45: Sll7-26.
  • 38 Ratib O, Huang H.K. Desktop Image Analysis: Workstations of the Future. Clin Comput 1991; 8: 92-7.
  • 39 Schubert E, Gross W, Siderits RH, Deckenbaugh L, He F, Becich MJ. A Pathologist Designed Imaging System for Anatomic Pathology Signout, Teaching and Research. Semin Diagn Pathol 1994; 11: 263-73.
  • 40 Tombeur D, Bossuyt A, Deconinck F.. Workstation Environment for Image Processing in Nuclear Medicine. Image Vision Comput 1993; 11: 522-9.
  • 41 Hofland PL, Ottes FP, Vossepoel AM, Kroon HM, Schultze Kol U. Medical Imaging Workstation: A software Environment. Med Inform 1990; 15: 15-9.
  • 42 Huang HK, Arenson RL, Lou SL, Wong AWK, Andriole KP, Todd MB, Avrin D. Multimedia in Radiology Environment: Current Concept. Comput Med lrnag Graph 1994; 18: 1-10.
  • 43 Lowe HJ, Buchanan BG, Cooper GF, Kaplan B, Vries J. Image Engine: An Integrated Multimedia Clinical Information System. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 421-5.
  • 44 Dayhoff RE. Maloney DL, Kuzmank PM, Shepard BM. Integrating Medical Images into Hospital Information Systems. J Digit Imag 1991; 4: 87-93.
  • 45 Dayhoff R, Kuzmak PM, Kirin G. Integrated Clinical Workstations for Image and Text Data Capture, Display, and Teleconsultation. In: Ozbolt JG. ed. Transforming Information, Changing Health Care. Proceedings SCAMC 1994.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1994. 1064
  • 46 Dayhoff RE. Integration of Medical Imaginginto a Multiinstitutional Hospital Information System Structure. In: Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 407-10.
  • 47 Van Mulligen EM, Timmers T, van Bemmel JH. A New Architecture for Integration of Heterogeneous Software Components. Meth Inform Med 1993; 32: 292-301.
  • 48 Van Mulligen EM. A Flexible Approach to Client-Server Computing. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 195-9.
  • 49 Degoulet P, Jean FC, Engelmann U, Meinzer HP, Baud R, Sandblad B, Wigertz O, LeMeur R, Jagermann CA. The component- based architecture of the HELlOS medical software engineering environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1994; 45 S 1-11.
  • 50 Degoulet P, Jean FC, Engelmann U, Meinzer HP, Baud R, Jagermann C, Sandblad B, Le Meur R, Wigertz O. Medical Application Development and the HELlOS Software Engineering Environment. In:. Prokosch HU, Dudeck J. eds. Hospital lnformation Systems: Design and Development Characteristics; Impact and Future Architecture.. Amsterdam: NorthHolland; 1995: 3-15.
  • 51 Rassinoux AM, Michel PA, Juge C, Baud R, Scherrer JR.. Natural Language Processing of Medical Texts within the HELlOS Environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46 S 97-106.
  • 52 Ahlfeldt H, Shahsavar N, Gao X, Arkad K, Johansson B, Wigertz O.. Data driven medical decision support based on Arden Syntax within the HELlOS environment. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46 S 79-96.
  • 53 Sauquet D, Jean FC, Lemaitre D, Zapletal E, Degoulet P. The HELlOS Unification Bus: A Toolbox to Develop Client/Server Applications. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 1995; 46 Sl 3-22.
  • 54 Jean FC, Engelmann U, Sauquet D, Lavril M, Schroter A, Degoulet P. The HELlOS Medical Connection Services. Comput MethodsProgramsBiomed 1995; 46: S117-26.
  • 55 Engelmann U, Schäfer M, Schräter A, G&nnel U, Demiris AM, Meinzer HP, Jean FC, Degoulet P. The Image Related Services of the HELlOS Software Engineering Environment. Comput Meth Prog Bio 1995; 46: 1-12.
  • 56 Engelmann U, Jean FC, Meinzer HP, Schroter A, Giinnel U, Demiris AM, Schafer M, Evers H, Degoulet P. Integrated Image Processing in Clinical Applications: The HELlOS Approach. In:. Greenes RA, Peterson HE, Protti DJ. eds. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics. MEDINFO 95.. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1995: 411-5.
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