Synfacts 2017; 13(08): 0821
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1590650
Metal-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis and Stereoselective Reactions
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Silver-Catalyzed Intermolecular Bromotrifluoromethoxylation of Alkenes

Hisashi Yamamoto
Takahiro Sawano
Guo S. Cong F. Guo R. Wang L. Tang P. * Nankai University and Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tianjin, P. R. of China
Asymmetric Silver-Catalysed Intermolecular Bromotrifluoromethoxylation of Alkenes with a New Trifluoromethoxylation Reagent.

Nat. Chem. 2017;
9: 546-551
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18. Juli 2017 (online)



The development of new methods to introduce a trifluoromethoxy group into drugs or agrochemicals is important because of the strongly electron-withdrawing nature and high lipophilicity of this moiety. The authors report a silver-catalyzed enantioselective bromotrifluoromethoxylation of alkenes with a new trifluoromethoxylation reagent.



The developed trifluoromethoxylation reagent, trifluoromethyl 4-fluorobenzenesulfonate, is easily prepared and thermally stable, and shows good reactivity. The bromotrifluoromethoxylation method can be applied to a variety of alkenes, including small, complex molecules.
