Synfacts 2014; 10(1): 0023
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1340425
Synthesis of Heterocycles
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Polycyclic Imines via Radical Cyclization of Ene Sulfonamides

Victor Snieckus
Wenhua Jiao (Pfizer)
Zhang H, Hay EB, Geib SJ, Curran DP * University of Pittsburgh, USA
Radical Cyclizations of Cyclic Ene Sulfonamides Occur with β-Elimination of Sulfonyl Radicals to Form Polycyclic Imines.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013;
135: 16610-16617
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13. Dezember 2013 (online)



Reported is a radical cyclization of cyclic ene sulfonamides to give stable bicyclic and tricyclic imines in good yields. Mechanistically, an α-sulfonamidoyl radical, which is generated after the initial radical cyclization, undergoes β-elimination to form the imine product and a phenylsulfonyl radical. In a related method, 3,4-dihydroquinolines can also be synthesized by radical translo-cation (1,5-hydrogen transfer) reactions of N-(2-halophenylsulfonyl)tetrahydroisoquinolines. In both cases, the very stable sulfonamides are cleaved under mild reductive conditions.



Imines are highly versatile synthetic ­intermediates, which are commonly made by ­condensing the corresponding aldehydes and ­ketones with amines. The radical cyclization methodology described in this paper provides alternative bond construction and reaction conditions. It is also synthetically useful due to the facile cleavage of the strong N–SO2Ar bond; these are hard to remove otherwise, for example, by hydrolysis or reduction.
