Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2011; 136: S66
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1286095
Abstract | Zusammenfassung
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Risk adjustment – never enough or too much?

Risikoadjustierung: Was und wie viel ist sinnvoll?J. Nicholl1
  • 1School of health and Related research, University of Sheffield, England
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Prof. Jon Nicholl  DSc

Dean, School of health and Related research
University of Sheffield

Western Bank

Sheffield S10 2TN



06. September 2011 (online)


    Comparisons of health outcomes between people, services, institutions, and populations are used to assess the relative quality of health care. However, these non-experimental comparisons may be confounded by differences in casemix factors associated with the outcome. Casemix adjustment is used to create a fair comparison – but does it? Simulation experiments suggest that casemix adjustment can make the bias worse in non-experimental studies. How is this possible? This talk will explore the problem that casemix variables may have a different effect in different populations – this is the constant risk fallacy. Examples of non-constant risk in hospital comparisons will be presented and possible solutions will be explored.



    Prof. Jon Nicholl  DSc

    Dean, School of health and Related research
    University of Sheffield

    Western Bank

    Sheffield S10 2TN




    Prof. Jon Nicholl  DSc

    Dean, School of health and Related research
    University of Sheffield

    Western Bank

    Sheffield S10 2TN
