Ultraschall Med 2009; 30(1): 92
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1208021
EFSUMB Newsletter

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Report Publications Committee

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27. Februar 2009 (online)


    The Publications Committee met three times during 2008: in January in Copenhagen, in June in Timisoara (during EUROSON) and in November in Rome (during the SIUMB meeting). The Publications Committee will meet twice in 2009, in May in Lausanne and in December in Edinburgh.

    In 2008 the Newsletter contents changed. A new interview series, "EFSUMB Newsletter meets ..." was introduced and brought the latest information about the status of ultrasound in Sweden, Romania, Latvia, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Turkey. Also ASUM - the Australasian Society and host of the next WFUMB congress - was interviewed. Technology update articles, literature reviews, information from the committees and training requirements were also to be found in the Newsletter in 2008. If you missed some of these then hurry to the EFSUMB website where the Newsletters are available as pdf-files for free download.

    The Committee was very happy with the further increase in Impact Factor for the UiM/EJU. At the end of the year the contract with Thieme was renegotiated and signed for additional 5 years. As part of the new contract the number of pages available for the EFSUMB Newsletter has increased.

    The website changed its design and layout in 2008. A news flash was introduced to the front page. A case of the month was introduced with high quality images and video clips available for free download and has become of the most visited sides on the website. The latest newsletter and case of the month is always linked directly from the first page.

    At the next EUROSON congress in Edinburgh in December 2009 the Publications Committee will be responsible for a scientific session.

    I would like to thank the other members of the committee Christoph Dietrich, Lucas Greiner, Jeff Bamber and Jean-Yves Meuwly for their hard work in the committee and for all the fun hours we have spent together during the year. A particular thanks to Mrs Gianna Stanford for her outstanding work for EFSUMB and for helping with so many things during the year, I cannot see we can allow her to retire in 2009.

    Michael Bachmann Nielsen

    Chairman Publications Committee