Endoscopy 2021; 53(11): E415-E416
DOI: 10.1055/a-1334-3970

Electrohydraulic lithotripsy for the treatment of stone impacted in a lumen-apposing metal stent in a patient with endoscopic cholecystoduodenostomy

1   Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, Lima, Peru
2   Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Lima, Peru
3   Gastroenterology Unit, Angloamericana Clinic, Lima, Peru
Belén Martínez-Moreno
4   Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Juan A. Casellas
4   Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
4   Gastroenterology Unit, Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
› Author Affiliations

An 89-year-old woman presented to our department having experienced acute cholecystitis a few weeks previously. Her comorbidities, chronic kidney disease, and congestive heart failure meant she was not a suitable candidate for surgery. She underwent EUS-guided gallbladder drainage, which was performed without complications. During this procedure, a 10-mm × 10-mm lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) (Hot Axios; Boston Scientific) was implanted for gallbladder drainage. A few days later, the patient complained of right-upper quadrant abdominal pain and fever, and a new acute cholecystitis episode was diagnosed.

Upper endoscopy with a therapeutic endoscope (GIF-1TH190; Olympus) was performed. The endoscope was introduced as far as the duodenum, where it became evident that the LAMS was obstructed by a biliary stone impacted in the stent lumen ([Fig. 1]; [Video 1]). Electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) (1.9-Fr, 375-cm Biliary EHL Probe Autolith; Boston Scientific) was performed to fragment the obstructive biliary stone. The EHL probe was introduced through the endoscope, and fragmentation with the infusion of saline was started ([Fig. 2]). The gallbladder stone was broken into multiple fragments that were removed with a Dormia basket. During the procedure, which lasted about 60 min, purulent secretion was seen draining from the gallbladder. The gallbladder wall showed a 10 mm-fistula with some fragmented stones within the cavity ([Fig. 3]); these were removed with a Roth Net retriever. To prevent renewed LAMS occlusion, placement of a plastic double-pigtail stent was decided on ([Fig. 4]). No complications were observed in the patient; she tolerated the procedure and was discharged home a few days later.

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Fig. 1 Lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) obstructed by a biliary stone impacted in the stent lumen.

Video 1 Biliary stone occluding a lumen-apposing metal stent treated with electrohydraulic lithotripsy in a patient who had previously undergone endoscopic ultrasound-guided cholecystoduodenostomy.

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Fig. 2 Fragmentation of biliary stone by means of electrohydraulic lithotripsy.
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Fig. 3 A 10-mm fistula in the gallbladder wall with fragmented stones in the cavity.
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Fig. 4 Placement of a plastic double-pigtail stent to prevent renewed occlusion.

EUS-guided gallbladder drainage in patients who are not candidates for surgery is a safe technique and has a low complication rate. In patients with large stones, recurrent cholecystitis, impaction, and LAMS obstruction can occur [1] [2]. EHL and laser lithotripsy are two useful techniques that allow fragmentation of stones; EHL generates high-amplitude hydraulic pressure waves, while laser lithotripsy uses a laser beam with repetitive pulses of laser energy to create a mechanical shockwave [3] [4]. EHL is a safe option to resolve LAMS occlusion in cholecystoduodenostomy.


Endoscopy E-Videos

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Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

  • References

  • 1 Anderloni A, Buda A, Vieceli F. et al. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural stenting for gallbladder drainage in high-risk patients with acute cholecystitis: a systematic review and pooled analysis. Surg Endosc 2016; 30: 5200-5208
  • 2 Nasser A, Bill K, Barawi M. Lumen-apposing metal stent–assisted electrohydraulic lithotripsy and mechanical lithotripsy for cholelithiasis in a nonsurgical patient. VideoGIE 2019; 4: 159-160
  • 3 Sievert C, Silvis S. Evaluation of electrohydraulic lithotripsy as a means of gallstone fragmentation in a canine model. Gastrointest Endosc 1987; 33: 233-235
  • 4 Hochberger J, Gruber E, Wirtz P. et al. Lithotripsy of gallstones by means of a quality-switched giant-pulse neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser. Basic in vitro studies using a highly flexible fiber system. Gastroenterology 1991; 101: 1391-1398

Corresponding author

Gerly Edson Guzmán-Calderon, MD
Av. Edgardo Rebagliati 490
Jesús María

Publication History

Article published online:
14 January 2021

© 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

  • References

  • 1 Anderloni A, Buda A, Vieceli F. et al. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural stenting for gallbladder drainage in high-risk patients with acute cholecystitis: a systematic review and pooled analysis. Surg Endosc 2016; 30: 5200-5208
  • 2 Nasser A, Bill K, Barawi M. Lumen-apposing metal stent–assisted electrohydraulic lithotripsy and mechanical lithotripsy for cholelithiasis in a nonsurgical patient. VideoGIE 2019; 4: 159-160
  • 3 Sievert C, Silvis S. Evaluation of electrohydraulic lithotripsy as a means of gallstone fragmentation in a canine model. Gastrointest Endosc 1987; 33: 233-235
  • 4 Hochberger J, Gruber E, Wirtz P. et al. Lithotripsy of gallstones by means of a quality-switched giant-pulse neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser. Basic in vitro studies using a highly flexible fiber system. Gastroenterology 1991; 101: 1391-1398

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Fig. 1 Lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) obstructed by a biliary stone impacted in the stent lumen.
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Fig. 2 Fragmentation of biliary stone by means of electrohydraulic lithotripsy.
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Fig. 3 A 10-mm fistula in the gallbladder wall with fragmented stones in the cavity.
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Fig. 4 Placement of a plastic double-pigtail stent to prevent renewed occlusion.