Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012; 16(03): 306-312
DOI: 10.7162/S1809-97772012000300002
Original Article
Thieme Publicações Ltda Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Relationship between vocal symptoms in college students and their possible causes

Léslie Piccolotto Ferreira
1   PhD in Human Communication Disorders at Federal University of São Paulo - Paulista School of Medicine (UNIFESP-EPM). Full Professor of the Department of the Phonoaudiology Clinic of the College of Human and Health Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, PUC-SP; Professor and Coordinator of the PEPG in Speech-Language Pathology
Juliana Ranzani Guerra
2   Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the Graduate Studies Program in Speech-Language Pathology at PUC-SP. Speech-Language Pathologist.
Camila Miranda Loiola
3   Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the Graduate Studies Program in Speech-Language Pathology at PUC-SP. Speech-Language Pathologist; PhD student at the Graduate Studies Program in Speech-Language Pathology at PUC-SP
Ana Carolina de Assis Moura Ghirardi
3   Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the Graduate Studies Program in Speech-Language Pathology at PUC-SP. Speech-Language Pathologist; PhD student at the Graduate Studies Program in Speech-Language Pathology at PUC-SP
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Further Information

Publication History

28 June 2010

18 March 2012

Publication Date:
05 December 2013 (online)


Introduction: Studies to understand the vocal profile of a population are important to plan collective health measures. The prevalence of vocal symptoms can be indicative of vocal disorder and must be investigated to support measures to prevent vocal diseases.

Aim: To characterize vocal symptoms in college students and their possible causes, and to analyze the association between hoarseness, vocal fatigue, phlegm, and burning in the throat with the possible causes mentioned.

Method: Prospective study of 517 students who answered a questionnaire about their general heath and vocal symptoms and causes. We used the study of proportions, measures of central tendency, and a chi-square test to associate the presence of symptoms and possible causes.

Results: Symptoms most often mentioned: dry mouth (21%), dry throat (18.2%), phlegm (17.9%). Causes most often cited: high respiratory disease (39%), intense voice use (24%), smoking (24%). Hoarseness was associated with heavy use of voice and high respiratory disease; vocal fatigue with intense voice use, stress, and digestive problems; burning in the throat with intensive voice use, high respiratory disease, and pollution; phlegm with smoking, and upper respiratory and digestive problems.

Conclusion: Not only do aspects of health and the voice interfere with its production, the external environment and habits influence the vocal symptoms of this population as well.

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