CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 2016; 08(02): 52-53
DOI: 10.4103/1947-489X.210215
Case Report

Bilateral vocal cord paralysis with acute ischemic stroke

Taofik Nasrat
Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Ali Jouni
Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Camelia Aresene
Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA
Gregory Norris
Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA
› Author Affiliations

Vocal cords receive nerve supply from recurrent laryngeal nerve which is a branch of the vagus nerve. Cerebral motor cortex projects corticobulbar tracts to the motor nucleus (nucleus ambiguous) of the vagus found in medulla. Vagus nerve leaves the skull through jugular foramen and travels through the carotid sheath. The left vagus gives rise to left recurrent laryngeal nerve at the aortic arch, whereas the right vagus gives rise to right recurrent laryngeal nerve at the subclavian artery. Any disruption of this pathway by any entity will cause unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Strokes that affect the motor cortex do not cause unilateral vocal cord paralysis since vagus nerve nucleus receives corticobulbar tract from both sides of the brain. We present an unusual case of bilateral vocal cord paralysis caused by unilateral right insular stroke which is not related to this pathway.

Publication History

Received: 08 October 2015

Accepted: 18 March 2016

Article published online:
07 July 2022

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