J Am Acad Audiol 2005; 16(03): 157-171
DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.16.3.4
American Academy of Audiology. All rights reserved. (2005) American Academy of Audiology

Clear Speech for Adults with a Hearing Loss: Does Intervention with Communication Partners Make a Difference?

Rachel Caissie
Melanie McNuttn Campbell
Wendy L. Frenette
Lori Scott
Illona Howell
Anouk Roy
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
07 August 2020 (online)

Spouses of persons with hearing loss served as talkers to examine the benefits of clear speech intervention. One talker received intervention on clear speech. A second talker was simply instructed to speak clearly. Each talker was recorded reading sentences in three conditions: conversational speech, clear speech one week postintervention, and clear speech one month postintervention. Speech acoustic measures were obtained. Then the sentences were presented to subjects with normal hearing and subjects with hearing loss to measure speech recognition. Results showed that simply asking a talker to speak clearly was effective in eliciting clear speech; however, providing intervention yielded changes in more speech parameters, more stable changes, and better speech recognition. When listening to the talker who received intervention, subjects with hearing loss achieved the same performance as subjects with normal hearing. However, they performed worse than subjects with normal hearing when listening to the talker who received clear speech instructions only. Individuals with hearing loss would receive speech recognition benefits if their partners were provided with clear speech intervention.