J Am Acad Audiol 2003; 14(10): 536-544
DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.14.10.2
American Academy of Audiology. All rights reserved. (2003) American Academy of Audiology

Performance of Musicians and Nonmusicians on Dichotic Chords, Dichotic CVs, and Dichotic Digits

Dawn M. Nelson
Richard H. Wilson
Suzanne Kornhass
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Publication Date:
07 August 2020 (online)

Perception of dichotic chords (free recall and directed recall), nonsense syllables (CVs), and three-pair digits was assessed on 24 musicians and 24 nonmusicians. On the dichotic-CV and dichotic-digit free-recall tasks, there was a significant right-ear advantage, but there were no group differences. With the dichotic-chords, free-recall condition, a significant left-ear advantage was observed but no group difference. For the dichotic-chords, directed-recall conditions, the musicians performed significantly better by 10 percent than the nonmusicians. Unexpectedly, for the dichotic chords, the 62–72 percent correct performances were better on the free-recall condition than the 42–55 percent performances on the directed-recall conditions. These differences between the two response modes were attributed to the difficulty of the dichotic-chord listening tasks and the probabilities associated with the closed-set response paradigms. The findings suggest that the dichotic-chord paradigm used in this study should not be included in clinical protocols used to assess auditory perceptual abilities.