Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2011; 24(02): 137-141
DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-09-12-0129
Clinical Communication
Schattauer GmbH

Fixation of pelvic floor fractures in cats

N. M. Kipfer
1   Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, Vetsuisse Faculty University, Zurich, Switzerland
P. M. Montavon
1   Clinic for Small Animal Surgery, Vetsuisse Faculty University, Zurich, Switzerland
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Received: 21. Dezember 2009

Accepted: 27. Januar 2010

19. Dezember 2017 (online)


Objectives: To retrospectively evaluate the outcome of internal fixation of trauma-related pelvic floor fractures using a ventral abdominal approach in cats.

Methods: Clinical examination and radio-graphic findings at presentation, after surgery, and at follow-up were assessed. Information gathered included concurrent injuries, surgical technique used, lameness and pain scores, and radiographic signs of implant stability.

Results: Ten European shorthair cats were included in the study. Pelvic floor fractures were stabilised using locking plates in nine cats, and symphyseal separation was fixated using hemicerclage wire in one cat. Additional procedures included reduction of sacroiliac luxation in nine cats with positional screws placed in six cats, and plate stabilization of sacral fractures in one cat.

All cats were able to walk within five days of surgery. No orthopaedic or neurological deficits were observed in seven cats at follow-up. Neurological deficits were observed in one cat. Signs of pain at implant sites due to inadequate surgical technique were noted in two cats. Anatomical reduction of the pelvic floor was achieved in eight cats.

Clinical significance: Stabilization of the pelvic floor and repair of sacroiliac luxation and other injuries by a ventral abdominal approach in cats led to an overall successful outcome. Fixation of the pelvic floor in cats with intact acetabular and ilial bones should be considered in patients with multiple pelvic fractures in combination with sacroiliac joint luxation or sacral fracture, pelvic canal narrowing, traumatic abdominal hernia, and other abdominal injuries.

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