Methods Inf Med 2009; 48(03): 306-310
DOI: 10.3414/ME0571
Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

On Graphically Checking Goodness-of-fit of Binary Logistic Regression Models

G. Gillmann
1   Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2   Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
C. E. Minder
2   Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
3   Horten Zentrum, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
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received: 15. Mai 2008

accepted: 20. März 2008

17. Januar 2018 (online)


Objectives: This paper is concerned with checking goodness-of-fit of binary logistic regression models. For the practitioners of data analysis, the broad classes of procedures for checking goodness-of-fit available in the literature are described. The challenges of model checking in the context of binary logistic regression are reviewed. As a viable solution, a simple graphical procedure for checking goodness-of-fit is proposed.

Methods: The graphical procedure proposed relies on pieces of information available from any logistic analysis; the focus is on combining and presenting these in an informative way.

Results: The information gained using this approach is presented with three examples. In the discussion, the proposed method is put into context and compared with other graphical procedures for checking goodness-of-fit of binary logistic models available in the literature.

Conclusion: A simple graphical method can significantly improve the understanding of any logistic regression analysis and help to prevent faulty conclusions.

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