Arquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia 2011; 15(03): 308-313
DOI: 10.1590/S1809-48722011000300007
Original Article
Thieme Publicações Ltda Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Auditory evoked potentials in peripheral vestibular disorder individuals

Potenciais evocados auditivos em indivíduos com síndrome vestibular periférica
Carla Gentile Matas
1   Assistant Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy, University of São Paulo's Medical School.
Sara Manami Silva
2   Specialist in Phonoaudiology at the Department of Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy at Universidade de São Paulo's Medical School. Scholarship-holder Phonoaudiologist at the Department of Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy at Universidade de São Paulo's Medical School.
Débora Dong Mei Wen
3   Graduated in Phonoaudiology from the Department of Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy at Universidade de São Paulo's Medical School Phonoaudiologist.
Cristiane da Silva Nunes
4   Specialist in Phonoaudiology at the Department of Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy at Universidade de São Paulo's Medical School. Post-graduate (Master Degree) Phonoaudiologist from the Post-graduation Program in Rehabilitation Sciences from University of São Paulo's Medical School.
Seisse Gabriela Gandolfi Sanches
5   Doctor Phonoaudiologist in Rehabilitation Sciences from the Department of Physiotherapy, Phonoaudiology and Occupational Therapy at Universidade de São Paulo's Medical School Assistant Phonoaudiologist in the Degree of Phonoaudiology Universidade de São Paulo's Medical School.
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Introduction: The auditory and vestibular systems are located in the same peripheral receptor, however they enter the CNS and go through different ways, thus creating a number of connections and reaching a wide area of the encephalon. Despite going through different ways, some changes can impair both systems. Such tests as Auditory Evoked Potentials can help find a diagnosis when vestibular alterations are seen.

Objective: describe the Auditory Evoked Potential results in individuals complaining about dizziness or vertigo with Peripheral Vestibular Disorders and in normal individuals having the same complaint.

Methods: Short, middle and long latency Auditory Evoked Potentials were performed as a transversal prospective study.

Conclusion: individuals complaining about dizziness or vertigo can show some changes in BAEP (Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential), MLAEP (Medium Latency Auditory Evoked Potential) and P300.


Introdução: Os sistemas auditivo e vestibular estão localizados no mesmo receptor periférico, porém adentram ao SNC e percorrem caminhos distintos, estabelecendo uma série de conexões e abrangendo uma vasta região do encéfalo. Mesmo percorrendo caminhos diferentes, algumas alterações podem comprometer ambos os sistemas. Testes como os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos podem auxiliar no diagnóstico com alterações vestibulares.

Objetivo: Caracterizar os resultados dos Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de indivíduos com queixa de tontura ou vertigem com Síndromes Vestibulares Periféricas e com indivíduos normais, com a mesma queixa.

Método: Foram realizados os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos de curta, média e longa latência, sendo um estudo prospectivo transversal.

Conclusão: Indivíduos com queixa de tontura ou vertigem podem apresentar alterações no PEATE, PEAML e P300.

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