Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2007; 20(04): 296-298
DOI: 10.1160/VCOT-07-01-0007
Original Research
Schattauer GmbH

Canine hip dysplasia radiographic screening. Prevalence of rotation of the pelvis along its length axis in 7,012 conventional hip extended radiographs

J.-P. Genevois
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
T. Cachon
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
D. Fau
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
C. Carozzo
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
E. Viguier
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
F. Collard
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
D. Remy
1   Small Animal Department, Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France
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Received 15. Januar 2007

Accepted 29. März 2007

18. Dezember 2017 (online)


The prevalence of rotation of the pelvis along its length axis was noted, as was the number of rotations towards the right or left hand side of the dog, on 7,012 conventional hip extended radiographs, which were sent for official screening. 29.8% of the radiographs showed a rotation the pelvis. The rotation was statistically more frequent towards the left hand side of the dog. The number of rejected radiographs for too important pelvis rotation was only 5.2%. The consequences of the pelvis rotation on the Norberg-Olsson angle, on the dorsal femoral head coverage, and in the aspect of cranial acetabular edge have to be taken into account when scoring the dog for hip dysplasia.

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