Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2007; 20(02): 136-141
DOI: 10.1160/VCOT-06-06-0050
Clinical Communication
Schattauer GmbH

Evaluation of clinical, radiographical and cytological findings compared to arthroscopic findings in shoulder joint lameness in the dog

S. Åkerblom
1   Strömsholm Referral Animal Hospital, Strömsholm, Sweden
L. Sjöström
1   Strömsholm Referral Animal Hospital, Strömsholm, Sweden
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Received 21. Juni 2006

Accepted 26. Oktober 2006

18. Dezember 2017 (online)


Forty-two dogs with lameness emanating from the shoulder joint were studied by clinical examination, radiographic examination, joint fluid analysis, and arthroscopic examination, following a set protocol. Dogs with mild clinical signs, absent or mild radiographic signs of osteoarthrosis, and without or with very mild changes in the synovial fluid, may still have moderate to severe degenerative pathological changes in the shoulder joint.

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