Planta Med 1980; 40(12): 347-350
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1074983
Research Articles

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Chemistry of the Genus Vismia

VII: Vismione A from the Leaves of Vismia guianensisJ. Gonzales Gonzales1 , F. Delle Monache, G. Delle Monache, G. B. Marini Bettolo
  • Centro Chimica dei Recettori e delle Molecole Biologicamente Attive del CNR, Universita Cattolicà del S. Cuore, Roma (Italia)
1 Fellowship from IILA/CNR. On leave from Depto de Quimica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotà (Colombia).
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
29 April 2008 (online)


From the leaves of V. guianensis (Guttiferae), collected in Brasil, several secondary metabolites were isolated: lupeol, ß-amyrin, ß-sitosterol, (-) epicatechin, procyanidin B2 and vismione A (prenylated anthranoid). This last compound underwear rearrangement to the corresponding anthraquinone and bianthrones during chromatographic purification.